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来源:考试网   2020-06-13【

  Corporate Culture


  Culture can be viewed at several levels.


  Some aspects of culture are visible and tangible and others are intangible and unconscious.


  Basic assumptions that guide the organization are deeply rooted and often taken for granted.


  Avoidance of conflict is a value that is an excellent example of an unconscious norm that may have a major influence on the organization but is frequently unconscious.


  For an insider, this is difficult or impossible to see, particularly if the individual has “grown up” in the organizational culture.


  Recently hired employees, the external consultant and the executive coach are frequently in the best position to identify these unconscious assumptions or values.


  Espoused or secondary values are at a more conscious level; these are the values that people in the organization discuss, promote and try to live by.


  All employees of Hewlett Packard, for example, are required to become familiar with the values embodied in the “HP Way”.


  Some of the most visible expressions of the culture are called artifacts.


  These include the architecture and décor, the clothing people wear, the organizational processes and structures, and the rituals, symbols and celebrations.


  Other concrete manifestation of culture are found in commonly used language and jargon, logos, brochures, company slogans, as well as status symbols as cars, window offices, titles and of course value statements and priorities,


  an outsider can often spot these artifacts easily upon entering an organization.


  For insiders, however, these artifacts have often become part of the background…


  One of the critical factors in understanding a corporate culture is the degree to which it is leader-centric.


  Ask yourself, how central is our leader to the style of this organization?


  If you are the leader yourself, the culture of your company is likely to reflect your personality, including your neurosis.


  So if the CEO avoids conflict and tends to sweep it under the carpet, don’t be surprised if you see avoidance of conflict played out in the organization.


  The behavior that is modeled by the leader and the management team profoundly shapes the culture and practices of the organization.


  What management emphasizes, rewards and punishes can tell you what is really important.


  The behavior of members of the senior team, their reactions in crises and what they routinely talk about, all sets the tone of the culture.


  If the culture is already firmly established when the CEO assumed leadership and he/she simply inherited a strong set of traditions, then he/she may play the role of the guardian of the old culture.


  On the other hand, CEOs such as Lou Gerstner at IBM, or Lee Iococca at Chrysler were brought in to be a change agent charged with dramatically transforming the organizational culture.

  但在另一方面,像国际商用机器公司的卢 杰斯特纳和克莱斯勒汽车公司的李 艾科卡那样的总裁,作为变革的代理人,却承担者对公司文化进行重大改革的重任。


  (1) Why is corporate culture important to a company?


  It is important because it can make or break your company. Company culture is actually the shared values and norms of the organization, and it guides the day-to-day operation of the company. So it is vital in this competitive age.

  (2) Do you think corporate culture will change or always remain the same?(Why?/Why not?)


  I think if the corporate culture is already long established and is functioning well, it should be protected and no change is really necessary. We should allow it to remain as it is.

  (3) Is it possible to assess company culture?(How?)


  Yes. Some companies employ consultants to help assess their culture. Others do it on their own by observing the common behaviors of their employees, or looking for visible symbols, as these are important clues to show what your company’s culture really is.

  (4) Do you think each company should have a stated set of cultural values?(Why?/Why not?)


  Yes. Corporate culture can have a great influence on the performance of the company. So I think it is necessary for companies to write down the values they want to promote in their organization, so that all staff would work towards the same goal.


  What’s important when…?

  Designing a company brochure 设计公司宣传册需考虑哪些要点?

  l Company culture 公司文化

  l Cost 费用


  A brochure is not just something that provides information, it is also a way of presenting your corporate image to the public. Brochures are distributed to existing clients, potential clients, press, investors and others. They influence the way people understand your company. So we can say a brochure is an expression of company culture. For example, if the brochure is printed on environmentally friendly paper, it tells the public about your ethic values.

  Cost is another factor to be considered. Brochures are needed in large quantities, as they are often used at trade shows, in mailings, presentations, trade show booths, etc. So you need to be cost conscious and keep everything within budget.

  Besides, you also need to consider the profile of the target market so that your brochures are attractive to your target customers. And the brochure should also reflect the characteristics of the industry your company is in.






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