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来源:考试网   2015-11-11【

  I Data and Change

  1. 此类报告有两个目的,呈现数据,描写变化趋势,自己的主观发挥较少或者没有发挥。不要发挥图表里不存在的内容。一般会要求呈现多个item的变化情况,可以用小标题分段。重点如下:

  一、 首先把握图表的大趋势;

  二、 描述重要变化点,例如sudden growth, abrupt drop, drastic shrinkage…, proliferation etc.

  三、 起始点和衔接点的描述【turning point】

  四、 需重点掌握的有:描写变化的句型,及以上一、二、三。

  五、 条形图和线性图都一般都涉及到这种类型。


  1. 销售预测: Bar Chart, 趋势,最大值,最小值,变化值

  Report on Sales Forecast for next year


  This report sets out to outline and compare the sales forecasts for fridges, TVs, and cookers of Toller Electrical Ltd for next year.


  The unit sales of fridges is/ARE expected to stay/remain steadily at 5,000 throughout the four quarters of next year.

  The sales of TVs, on the other hand, will be on consecutive rise, starting off at 5,000 in 【改为during比较好,下同 】the first quarter, jumping to 15,000 during the second and third quarter, and ending up with 20,000 in the fourth quarter. 待商榷

  The sales of cookers, however, is 【因呈现的是四个季度的sales,所以此处应用are】likely to fluctuate a bit next year. The unit sales will reach 5000 in the first quarter, and rise sharply/significantly to 10,000 in the second and third quarter, then decline to 5,000 again in the fourth quarter.


  The TV is expected to be the best seller of Toller Electrical Ltd next year.


  Report on Sales Forecasts for Toller Electrical Ltd

  The aim of this report is to compare the sales forecasts for three product areas for next year.

  Unit sales of fridges are likely to remain at 5,000 during all four quarters of next year.

  TV sales, on the other hand, will significantly increase during the second quarter from 10,000 to 15,000. Unit sales will remain at 15,000 during the third quarter and soar once again to 20,000 during the fourth quarter.

  Unit sales of cookers, however, are likely to fluctuate, starting off at 5,000, sales will increase to 10,000 during the second and third quarter of next year, only to decrease to 5,000 unit sales during the fourth quarter.

  It was concluded that TVs will be Toller Electrical Ltd’s strongest product area in the following year.

  NOTE; 注意表示预测的句型

  2. 产量与价格变化---关联性数据

  重点:changes in production and prices.

  Report On Wheat Production and Prices

  This report summarizes the changes in production and prices over a ten-year period from 1990 to 2000.

  From the chart we can see there was a steady growth in wheat production over the given period. Starting off at around 0.8 million tones in 1990, the yearly output rose to almost 1.5 million tones five years later, and exceeded 2-million-tonne level in 2000.

  The average price of wheat, on the other hand, fluctuated a bit over the same period. From around 1300 per tone in 1990, it shot up quickly in 1995, peaking at around 3000 per tone. However it dropped back to around 2000 per tone in 2000.

  To conclude, it shows that the total output of wheat is not the sole factor deciding the trend of price.


  3. 客户投诉与列车准时率与可靠性---关联数据

  准时率、可靠性与顾客投诉。 数据不多,可考虑逐年描写。

  Report; XX train operator

  This report summarizes the changes that took place in reliability, punctuality and the number of complaints received during a 12-week period, which was divided further into three sub-periods.

  From the graph we can see about 97% of the timetabled trains were running during the first four weeks. The percentage rose to 100% from the fifth week onwards and remained stable for the rest of the periods studied.

  Conversely, the punctuality percentage was declining consecutively over the given period. From 95% at the outset, it edged down in the two subsequent periods and hit the lowest at around 90% in the last three weeks.

  The number of complaints per 100,000 passenger journeys remained stable at 200 in the first four weeks and even dropped slightly in the following period, probably owing to the rise of reliability. However, during the last 4 weeks, it went up again to an all time high at around 225.

  To conclude, it is clear the punctuality has significant influence on the number of complaints received.

  NOTE; 注意描写区间的词

  For the rest of the periods studied/in question

  In the two subsequent periods

  In the following period.

  4. 乘客收益与准时率---关联性数据

  典型数据:revenue peak: 2n of 2006, on-time 骤降:2-3 quarters

  Report on passenger revenue and on-time rate of trains of Cruiseline

  This graph describes changes of the passenger revenue and the on-time percentage of trains of Cuiseline over the period 2005 to 2006.

  From the graph we can see the on-time percentage of trains remained relatively stale between 85% and 90% before the second quarter of 2006. Over the same period, the passenger revenue was on consecutive rise on the whole except a slight drop in the last quarter of 2005. Starting off at about 280 m, it climbed to a peak at 330 million by the second quarter of 2006.

  However, as the on-time rate nose-dived precipitately to around 70% in the third quarter in 2006, the revenue dropped consistently from 330 m to 65 m, the largest decrease over the period in question. Although the punctuality rate rebounded gradually to 75% later, the revenue still kept declining and reached its two-year lowest at 65 m at the end of 2006.

  It is concluded that the punctuality of trains has a significant effect on the passenger revenue.

责编:stone 评论 纠错


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