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来源:考试网 [ 2012年9月26日 ] 【大 中 小】

17. If we learn to see what we have to offer one another, then we can ______ our misunderstandings and work towards peace.

 A. set out                                                       B. set aside

 C. set off                                                       D. set down

18. ______ on the hilltop, a beautiful scene lay before me.

 A. Standing                                                    B. As standing

 C. I stood                                                       D. As I stood

19. The death of her son in a car accident was a big blow to her. She just couldn’t ______ it.

 A. get over                                                     B. get rid of

 C. get through                                                D. get away with

20. Since you need the book badly, you might ______ buy a copy though it is expensive.

 A. as well as                                                   B. much as well

 C. as good as                                                  D. just as well
