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来源:考试网 [ 2012年10月6日 ] 【大 中 小】

41. Ireland kept out of World War II _______.

A. to declareitself a republic

B. to make a new constitution

C. to vote itself outof the Commonwealth

D. to demonstrateits continued displeasure with the British

42. The mostpopular religious belief in Ireland is ______.

A. Methodism                                           B. Christianity

C. Catholicism                                          D.Protestantism

43. In Canada, it is difficult to do farming in Atlantic provincesbecause _______.

A. the region is too hilly

B. dairying is more popular than farming

C. the weather is too extreme in those provinces

D. the growing season is short and the soil is poor

44. The Inuit and Indians in northern Canada ______.

A. have stopped hunting

B. have moved fromtents to houses in towns

C. haveexperienced much change in their life styles

D. have totallygot used to the non-native Canadian way of life

45. As a result ofWorld War II, Canada ______.

A. established the Canadian Navy

B. experienced arapid growth in its territory

C. increased the control over its foreign relations

D. found its place among the nations of the world

46. Established in 1788, ______ is the oldest state of Australia.

A. Victoria                                               B. Queensland

C. South Australia                                   D. New South Wales

47. Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is world famous for its ______.

A. agriculture                                           B. arts festival

C. shipbuilding                                         D. valuable minerals

48. Taupo is ______in New Zealand.

A. the biggest lake                                     B. the longest river

C. the largest plain                                    D. the highest mountain

49. Most animals in New Zealand are ______.

A. native to the land

B. brought from England

C. introduced fromNorth America only

D. ill adapted to New Zealand conditions

50. According to the Treaty of Waitangi, ______ is entitled to makelaws in New Zealand.

A. the Maori people                                   B. the British settlers

C. the Queen of England                            D.the New Zealand government
