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来源:华课网校  [2020年6月16日]  【


  【单选题】Decide which of the following is the best choice for the missing information.He was the only _______ in this aircrash. In fact his_______ surprised all of us.

  A. survivor, survivor

  B. survival, survival

  C.survival, survivo

  rD. survivor, survival【答案】D


  【单选题】Use the correct form of the word in the brackets to fill in the blank.His advice is of great value to the successful completion of our task. That is, his advice is _______ (valuable) to the success of our task.

  A. invaluably

  B. valuably

  C. invaluable

  D. valueless



  【单选题】Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to

  fill in the blanks________ (lucky), he has carried out the project _______ (complete) ahead of schedule.

  A. Luckiness, completely

  B. Luckily, completely

  C. Luckily, completion

  D. Unluckily, completly


  【解析】本题考查副词后缀。本句中第一个空格要填入的单词作状语,修饰整个句子,故选择副词,排除A。第二个空格处要填的单词修饰动词短语carry out theproject,因此同样选择副词,completely为正确拼写形式,故选B。【知识点】副词后缀

  【单选题】Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to fill in the blanks________ (like) his younger brother, he _______ (like) biology very much while his bother is crazy about it.

  A. Unlike, dislikes

  B. Dislike, unlikes

  C. Unlike, dislike

  D. Dislikes, unlike



  【单选题】Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to

  fill in the blanksHis words are very ________ (influence) to the change of life

  attitude. Honestly speaking, his words are greatly _______ (benefit).

  A. influencial, benefitial

  B. influencial, benefital

  C. influential, benefical

  D. influential, beneficial



  【单选题】Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to

  fill in the blanksThey are going to talking about the differences between the two countries in ________ (deep) at the summit, whose aim is to _______ (deep)mutual understandings between the two countries.

  A. depth, endeep

  B. deepness, endeep

  C. depth, deepen

  D. deepth, deepen





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