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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2019年10月4日 ]


  1。 Wha thobbies did you use to have? Why did you like them?

  2。 What hobbies do you have now? Why do you like them?

  3。 What different hobbies do you have in different seasons?


  My Hobbies

  Different people have different hobbies。 I used to ride a bike and read story books。 They could give us lots of knowledge。 I keep cats and dogs。 I thought pets were very friendly and lovely, but now I like listening to music and chatting on the Internet, because music can relax me after the daily work and chatting can bring me happiness and friendship。

  I have different hobbies in different seasons。 In spring I like flying kites。 In summer I go swimming。 I often climb hills in the fall。 I like making snowmen best in winter。

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