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来源:中华考试网收藏本页   【 】  [ 2020年10月3日 ]

  1. 当关系代词用作主语时,多用主格who。例如:

  He who loses hope loses all.

  失去希望的人就失去一切。(先行词为代词he, they, any, all, one等时,多用who)

  I met Alice, who told me that she was learning Chinese.


  2. 当关系代词用作介词后的宾语时,用宾格whom,不用that。例如:

  The man to whom our headmaster talked just now is our English teacher.



  (1) The man whom our headmaster talked to just now is our English teacher.

  (2) The man who our headmaster talked to just now is our English teacher.

  (3) The man that our headmaster talked to just now is our English teacher.

  (4) The man our headmaster talked to just now is our English teacher.


  3. 当关系代词泛指人时,多用that。例如:

  He is a man that is never afraid of failure.


  4. 当关系代词出现在who开头的疑问句时,应用that。例如:

  Who is the girl that is talking to Tom in English

  用英语同汤姆交谈的那个女孩是谁 (避免重复使用who,以免造成误解或语义含混不清)

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