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中华考试网   2014-08-22   【

  The Formation of Volcanic Islands

  Paragraph 2

  Generally speaking, the interiors of plates are geologically uneventful. However, there are exceptions. A glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean reveals that there are many islands far out at sea that are actually volcanoes—many no longer active, some overgrown with coral—that originated from activity at points in the interior of the Pacific Plate that forms the Pacific seafloor.

  Q3 Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information

  A. Volcanic activity is responsible for the formation of the Pacific seafloor in the interior of the Pacific Plate.

  B. Many volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean are no longer active and have become islands that support coral.

  C. There are many islands in the Pacific Ocean that originated as volcanoes in the interior of the Pacific Plate.

  D. The map of the Pacific Ocean reveals fewer volcanic islands than there truly are because many are no longer active and some are completely overgrown with coral.


  A glance at a map of the Pacific Ocean reveals that there are many islands far out at sea that are actually volcanoes—many no longer active, some overgrown with coral—that originated from activity at points in the interior of the Pacific Plate that forms the Pacific seafloor.

  分析:通过确定核心信息,我们看到该句最基本的结构是主语(A glance)+谓语动词(reveals)+宾语从句(that…)。该句的难点在于宾语从句里有两个定语从句的嵌套,在句中已用蓝色标出,第一个定语从句是对many islands进行限定修饰;第二个定语从句是对volcanoes进行限定修饰,而破折号中间的成分则是对volcanoes这个信息的补充说明,与句子核心信息关系不大,可忽略不看。




  A. Volcanic activity is responsible for the formation of the Pacific seafloor in the interior of the Pacific Plate.


  B. Many volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean are no longer active and have become islands that support coral.

  B选项句子主语是火山,且后面有信息no longer active不再活跃,这是原句完全没有出现的信息。

  C. There are many islands in the Pacific Ocean that originated as volcanoes in the interior of the Pacific Plate.


  D. The map of the Pacific Ocean reveals fewer volcanic islands than there truly are because many are no longer active and some are completely overgrown with coral.





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