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中华考试网   2017-09-06   【




  关于咖啡怎样被 decaffeinated(脱去咖啡因)而不破坏原来味道,然后包装。有一个图。讲 gas 怎样在高温高压下 XX(忘了这个物理名词)。decaffeinate 就是这个原理。咖啡豆经过这个过程到一个罐,然后又经过另一物理过程,就 crystalize(明确)了,可以包装了。


  1) Main topic

  2) What is the theory the process uses

  3) Describe the process in the order of happening

  营销中的 4M 理论(lecture)

  营销里面的 4M (money media market message) market 注重定位,抓住潜在顾客和市场 media,包括 TV 和杂志 EG:针对年轻老师的产品就应该在年轻老师喜欢看的杂志上做告,举了一个和 teach 有关的杂志名,还有又说了另一个和 teach 相关的杂志,老师不喜欢,就算了。money 和健康有关的产品 在假期之前做广告实惠 message soup 的例子。


  L1 Science


  1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

  A. To describe the potential impact that faster computers could have

  B. To explain a specific approach to computer design and technology

  C. To describe different functions computers can perform for their users

  D. To explain Leonardo da Vinci's role in the history of computer design

  2. Why does the professor discuss Leonardo da Vinci's work?

  A. To explain the origin of the idea of old computing

  B. To compare it to the work of other early inventors

  C. To illustrate that some ideas in science were first suggested in works of art

  D. To help explain the fundamental idea behind new computing

  3、According to the professor, how is old computing different from new computing?

  A. Old computing cannot be used to create complex programs.

  B. Old computing tries to accommodate more types of users.

  C. Old computing concentrates less on the needs of users.

  D. Old computing focuses less on making fast computers.

  4. According to the professor, what is an important step for developers to take in designing easy-to-use computers?

  A. Determining the reasons that some computers are slow

  B. Becoming familiar with the design of currently existing computers

  C. Testing the new design for its compatibility with older systems

  D. Getting information from potential users early in the design process

  5. What is the professor's opinion about the goals of old computing?

  A. They probably will not help designers solve modern problems.

  B. They are important for disciplines other than computer science.

  C. They are still relevant to designers developing new products.

  D. They are not compatible with the goals of new computing.

  6. Why does the professor mention how well-informed people are about medical issues today?

  A. To illustrate how current technology can succeed in supporting human activities

  B. To contrast people's medical knowledge today with that of people in da Vinci's time

  C. To support a claim about the limitations of new computing

  D. To question whether people use computers appropriately



  L2 Chemistry


  1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

  A. To discuss the advantages of heating substances in microwave ovens

  B. To discuss recent research that may lead to improved microwave ovens

  C. To point out problems in the use of superheating to produce medicines

  D. To prepare students for upcoming experiments in the laboratory

  2. Why does the professor talk about making coffee?

  A. To describe how he dissolved coffee particles to prevent nucleation

  B. To introduce the concept of microwave superheating

  C. To reassure the students that some of the experiments will be as simple as making coffee

  D. To warn the students not to superheat liquids containing dissolved chemicals

  3. Why does the professor mention that once nucleation has occurred, added heat is used to convert liquid water into water vapor?

  A. To explain why the temperature of water does not rise beyond the boiling point when water is heated in a metal pot on a stove

  B. To point out similarities in heating liquids using microwave ovens and using conventional stoves

  C. To explain why water that is exposed to microwaves will appear to be hot when it really is not

  D. To point out that it is better to avoid making coffee in a microwave oven

  4. The professor talks about using microwave ovens for superheating during the students' laboratory experiments. What two possible results of superheating does he mention?

  Click on 2 answers.

  A. An increased flow of electrical current through the superheated liquid

  B. An acceleration of reaction between chemicals in the superheated liquid

  C. The decomposition of chemicals in the superheated liquid

  D. The creation of tiny scratches and dents on the interior surface of the container

  5. What is the professor's attitude about the use of microwave ovens by pharmaceutical companies in the production of medicines?

  A. The use of microwave ovens is hazardous because it prevents control of temperatures.

  B. The use of microwave ovens produces satisfactory results but is not worth the added expense.

  C. The use of microwave ovens may allow companies to produce medicines more efficiently than traditional heating methods do.

  D. More research should be done before replacing traditional heating equipment with microwave ovens.

  6. According to the professor, what two laboratory practices that are used by pharmaceutical companies will students also use in their experiments?

  Click on 2 answers.

  A. Using containers that have been developed to ensure nucleation

  B. Using a new type of microwave to superheat all liquids

  C. Using smooth containers that have been specially designed for microwave use

  D. Using sealed containers to allow the pressure inside to increase during heating





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