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中华考试网   2016-11-23   【



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Colleges and universities should offer job preparation before students start to work.

  I agree

  1. Internship can be arranged for students to help them have a better understanding of future work.(通过兼职工作,学生可以更好地了解未来工作的内容和要求)

  2. Communicative skills may be of great importance in future work.(交流技能能够使得学生在未来的工作中快速融入到团队中,更好地与团队成员合作)


  Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their grades determined by only a few large ones. Which one do you prefer and why?

  numerous small assignments

  1. Numerous small assignments help students reduce their academic pressure.(他们每次所要复习的知识点不是很多,而且并不是由仅仅几次成绩就决定一切不会让他们对于考试那么紧张)

  2. Numerous small assignments help teachers have a comprehensive understanding of students’ academic performance.(多次的考试涵盖的内容可以紧跟着教学的进度,考查的内容整体相对来说也比较多;而几次大的考试考查的知识点毕竟有限,不能完整反映学生的整体学习情况)

  3. Numerous small assignments are easier to operate than only a few large ones.(小测试占用的时间更少,也方便安排考试日期,甚至随堂就能够完成;由于题量不多老师批阅速度也更快,可以给学生更快的反馈)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  In order to help high school students learn the sense of responsibility, it is necessary for them to do household work after school.

  I agree

  1. Doing household work helps children become independent in their future life.(孩子们未来需要独立生活,因此需要学会很多生活技能,做家务活给了学生这样的机会)

  2. Doing household work contributes to a harmonious family life.(孩子能够体会父母的不易。而且做家务活促进彼此的交流)


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  The best way to improve quality of education is to increase teachers’ salaries.

  Para.1: Currently, there is a widespread belief that increasing teacher’s salaries is the best way to improve the quality of the education in a country. From my perspective, however, it is an overstatement to claim so.

  Para.2: Admittedly, increasing teachers’ salaries may contribute to the improvement of education. 解释. However, to consider increasing teachers’ salaries to be the best way is a piece of overemphasis, for there exist other approaches, which are as good as, or even better than this one.

  Para.3: In the first place, schools should invest more on teaching facilities. 解释. 例子. 小结.

  Para.4: Furthermore, professional training should be arranged for teachers to improve their teaching ability. 解释. 例子. 小结.

  Para.5: In conclusion, …



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