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中华考试网   2016-08-01   【

  一、 习语题

  1、 原则 听到什么,不选什么;替换,避免原词

  2、 总结 真题考过的所有选项与答句中的替换关系

  3、 猜测 1)由答句问题2)答句语气——学生思维3)转折词

  二、 赞同/否定题

  1、 赞同:A:总结 答句开头所有表赞同的语气和短语

  B:注意 快速朗读时的音变

  2、 否定:A:总结 常考的否定词

  B:调子判断 升调为怀疑, 次数越多越表示反对。


  1、(A) She’s going to spend the whole year in New York.

  (B) She plans to travel somewhere other than New York.

  (C) She decided not to take a vacation this year.

  (D) She won’t be able to travel until later in this year.

  M: Are you going to spend your vacation in New York again this summer?

  W: Actually I’ve got a different destination in mind this year.

  What does the woman mean?

  2、(A)She doesn’t like the painting.

  (B)She hasn’t seen the man’s office

  (C)She’ll hang the painting on the wall.

  (D)She doesn’t know where to put the painting.

  M: Isn’t this a terrific painting? It looks great on the wall in my office.

  W: To be honest, I don’t know what you see in it.

  What does the woman mean?



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