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中华考试网   2014-05-09   【
 2. 形容词错用为副词

  解题要点 形容词用来修饰说明名词或名词性成分的,而副词则可修饰除名词以外的所有词性及句子成分。


  (1) Animal life on Prince Edward island is confined large to ducks. Pheasants. And rabbits (93.5)

  [答案]C 修饰限定介词短语to ducks pheasants and rabbits 应用副词largely。

  (2) The General Sherman tree a giant sequoia in California, has grown to be the world*s largest plant at approximate 272 feet tall.

  [答案] D 修饰说明数词(272)应用副词approximately。

  (3) Because its body is supported by water, the blue whale can grow to a size considerable larger than any land mammal alive today. (93.8)

  [答案] 修饰形容词短语larger than…应用副词形式considerably。

  (4) Once an important port of entry for immigrants to the United States. Island recent reopened its great hall s a museum of immigration. (92.8)

  [答案] C 修饰整个句耶Ellis ls land reopened its great hall as a museum of immigration 应用副词recently,表示时间。

  (5) Because their properties differ from those of their constituents. Proper alloys can great increase the corrosion resistance of a metal.

  [答案] C 修饰动increase 应用副词greatly。




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