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来源:考试网  [ 2020年01月08日 ]  【


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  My first ride on a train

  Teaching aims:

  Knowledge aims:

  Students can understand the content of the listening material.

  Ability aim:

  Students will develop their listening abilities of skimming and scanning.

  Emotional aim:

  Students can foster the awareness of enjoying their lives.

  Key and difficult points:

  Key point:

  To understand the listening material.

  Difficult point:

  To foster the awareness of enjoying their lives.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1: Warming-up

  1. Greetings.

  2. Let students enjoy a song named Five hundred miles and ask them to pay attention to the lyrics and think about one question: How do you feel about when you take the train. The song goes like this:

  If you miss the train I’m on

  You will know that I am gone

  You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

  A hundred miles A hundred miles

  A hundred miles A hundred miles

  Ask students to answer the question. Then tell them that taking trains is a pleasant experience and lead in the topic.

  Step 2: Pre-listening

  Tell students that Alice went on a long trip by train recently, and ask students a question, “Do you want to know how Alice feels?” Then ask students to predict the main idea of the listening material according to the question.

  Step 3: While-listening

  1. Extensive listening

  Read the passage for students and ask them to find the main idea of the listening material.

  Then invite one student to write the answer on the blackboard.

  2. Intensive listening

  Play the tape and ask students to answer two questions:

  Q1: How does Alice feel about her trip?

  Q2: How was the weather that day, according to the passage?

  Then lead students to write the answers on the blackboard.

  Step 4: Post-listening

  Ask students to talk about their trip experience in groups of four and encourage students to share their ideas. 5 minutes will be given for the discussion. Then invite some groups to share.

  Step 5: Summary and Homework

  Summary: invite a student to be an assistant teacher and summarize what we’ve learned today. Ask students to enjoy their life moments.

  Homework: ask students to write a passage to introduce the places they have ever been to the class.


  1. How should we communicate with students?


  2. Please talk about your own personality. Are you outgoing or introverted?




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