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来源:焚题库 [2020-05-29] 【





    teaching objectives
    teaching contents
    key and difficult points
    major steps and time allocation
    activities and justifications

    Teaching Contents:
    Students are asked to write a passage to discuss if they should do chores at home.
    Teaching Objectives:
    (1)Knowledge objective
    Students will accumulate some phrases of expressing opinions such as I think/ believe/ agree ...
    (2)Ability objective
    Students are able to improve their writing skills and know how to express their thoughts.
    (3)Emotional objectives
    Students will be aware of helping parents at home and arrange their time rationally.
    Teaching Key Point:
    How to enable students to clearly express their opinions about doing chores.
    Teaching Difficult Point:
    How to help students organize their ideas into passages rationally, logically and smoothly.
    Major Steps:
    Step 1 Pre-writing(6 minutes)
    The teacher asks students to have a discussion in group of 4: Do you think students should do chores at home? Why or why not? They have 3 minutes to discuss.
    Then the teacher asks some groups to share their ideas, and then summarizes them on the blackboard. Students may have different ideas. For example:
    (1)Why they should do it: develop independence; learn to look after ourselves; help parents ...
    (2)Why they should not do it: busy at studying; do not have time; too tired to do chores ...
    The teacher shows the structure to students with some phrases that can be used to express ideas.
    Structure and phrases:
    Declare the view: I(don't)think/believe/agree/disagree...
    Give the reason: because/for example...
    (Justification: By doing so, students can collect different opinions about doing chores and clarify their thinking. Besides, they can accumulate some sentence structures, which will be helpful for them to organize a passage.)
    Step 2 While-writing(8 minutes)
    The teacher asks students to look at 3b, and finish the letter to explain why they should or shouldn't do chores at home. And the teacher gives them 5 minutes to do it, and write about 80 words. They can use the phrases discussed just now.
    Students can change their passage with deskmates to check the logic, spelling and so on.
    (Justification: In this step, students can practice how to organize their words, and they will learn to express their ideas logically. Peer-editing can help students find out their mistakes.)
    Step 3 Post-writing (6 minutes)
    Invite some students to read their letters and read them in front of the whole class. Then the teacher can make some positive evaluation and give some advice.
    (Justification: Sharing activity can help students learn from each other Besides, some positive evaluation will improve their confidence of learning English.)

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