NULL Low wages, chronic unemployment and underemployment lead to low income-考试网


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Low wages, chronic unemployment and underemployment lead to low income

来源:焚题库 [2022-04-28] 【





    共享题干题【2017年真题】Low wages, chronic unemployment and underemployment lead to low income, lack of property ownership, absence of savings, absence of food reserves in the home, and a chronic shortage of cash.These conditions reduce the possibility of effective participation in the larger economic system.As a response to these conditions, we find in the culture of poverty a high incidence of pawning personal goods, borrowing from local money-lenders at higher rates of interest, spontaneous informal credit devices organized by neighbors, the use of second-hand clothing and furniture, and the pattern of frequent buying of small quantities of food many times a day as the need arises.
     People with a culture of poverty produce very little wealth and receive very little in return.They have a low level of literacy and education, usually do not belong to labor unions, are not members of political parties, generally do not participate in the national welfare agencies,and make very little use of banks, hospitals, department stores,museums or art galleries.They have a critical attitude toward some of the basic institutions of the dominant classes, hatred of the police, mistrust of government and those in high position, and a cynicism which extends even to the church.This gives the culture of poverty a high potential for protest and for being used in political movements aimed against the existing social order.
     People with a culture of poverty are aware of middle-class values, talk about them and even claim some of them as their own, but on the whole, they do not live by them.Thus, it is important to distinguish between what they say and what they do.For example, many will tell you that marriage by law, by the church, or by both is the ideal form of marriage, but few will marry.To men who have no steady jobs or other sources of income, who do not own property and have no wealth to pass on to their children, who are present-time-oriented and who want to avoid the expense and legal difficulties involved in formal marriage and divorce, free unions or consensual marriages make a lot of sense.Women will often turn down offers of marriage because they feel it ties them down to men who are immature, punishing and generally unreliable.Women feel that consensual union gives them a better break; it gives them some of the freedom and flexibility that men have.By not giving the fathers of their children legal status as husbands, the women have a stronger claim on their children if they decide to leave their men.It also gives women exclusive rights to a house or any other property they may own.


    单选题第1题According to the passage, a defining characteristic of poverty is that poor people_______

    A.are isolated from the mainstream of society

    B.lack the skills to find decent jobs

    C.are constantly in a state of crisis

    D.are held responsible for their own poverty


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    答案解析:语义推理。题干问的是“defining characteristic”,即贫穷的典型特点。第一段主
     要陈述“culture of poverty”的表现,不属于对其特点的界定。第二段第一句“People
     with a culture of poverty produce very little wealth and receive very little in return” 为本段
     主题句,为了证明这一点,接下来一句提到usually do not belong to labor unions,
     are not members of political parties, generally do not participate in the national welfare


    单选题第2题The phrase “culture of poverty” underlined in Paragraph 1 suggests that_______.

    A.there are several classifications of poor people

    B.poor people often take pride in their poverty

    C.poverty has become a prevalent lifestyle for some people

    D.poor people share a common background


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    答案解析:细节识别。“culture of poverty”在第一段第一次出现,由于它有下画线,所以
     比较容易识别。当然,本题要考查的是这个术语表明的内容。由于本句提到“We find
     in the culture of poverty a high incidence of... ”,既然发生率很高,那么符合选项 C 的 “ a
     prevalent lifestyle for some people” 。


    单选题第3题The word “incidence” underlined in Paragraph 1 means_______.






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     境推知。本句为 “We find in the culture of poverty a high incidence of...” 后面举实例进


    单选题第4题The word “literacy” underlined in Paragraph 2 refers to the ability to_______.

    A.go to school and write

    C.receive education

    D.learn math


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    答案解析:词义界定。“Literacy”对多数考生而言不是生词,其词典的定义就是“the ability
     to read and write”(识字,读写能力)。即使不认识,也可以根据第二段这一句“They
     have a low level of literacy and education”(这些人的识字和教育水平都比较低)来猜


    单选题第5题In Paragraph 2, by asserting that the culture of poverty can be used by political movements, the author_______.

    A.predicts an uprising by the poor

    B.shows how poverty may threaten social stability

    C.justifies the motives of politicians

    D.calls upon the middle class to fight against the poor


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    答案解析:细节识别。原句为第二段最后一句“This gives the culture of poverty a high
     potential for protest and for being used in political movements aimed against the existing
     social order”,句末的 “aimed against the existing social order” 是重点,有人利用他们


    单选题第6题The author's attitude toward the need to “distinguish between what they say and what they do"(underlined in Paragraph 3) suggests that_______.

    A.poor people are often hypocritical

    B.poverty causes illusions among the poor people

    C.the poor are held responsible for their poverty

    D.the poor often cannot change their conditions


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     的前一句说“they do not live by them”,即他们思想上认同主流社会的价值观,但没


    单选题第7题According to Paragraph 3, consensual union CANNOT provide poor women refraining from a legal marriage with_______ .

    A.a free church wedding or civil ceremony

    B.some of the freedom and flexibility that men have

    C.ownership of a house or any other property

    D.a stronger claim on their children when they want to leave their men


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    单选题第8题A conclusion can be drawn from Paragraph 3 that men and women in the culture of poverty_______.

    A.consider themselves unworthy of legal marriage

    B.cannot get married and raise a family of their own not trust each other as faithful husbands and wives

    D.avoid legal marriages for practical and economic reasons


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    单选题第9题In discussing poverty, the author is most likely to agree that poverty_______. more widespread than most people think

    B.cannot be eliminated from society

    C.means more than a lack of money

    D.weakens the fabric of society


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    单选题第10题The word “it” underlined in Paragraph 3 refers to_______.

    A.proper break status

    C.illegal marriage

    D.consensual union


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     构并回读。本句的it紧跟动词gives,由此回读发现源头为“Women feel that consensual
     union gives them …it gives them …”因此,回指对象很明确为 “consensual union”。






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