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来源:焚题库 [2020-05-31] 【





    teaching objectives
    teaching contents
    key and difficult points
    major steps and time allocation
    activities and justifications
    Have You Ever Been to Disneyland?
    Most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck,and many other famous Disney characters. Perhaps we have even seen them in movies. But have you ever been to Disneyland? In fact,there are now several different Disneyland amusement parks around the world.
    Disneyland is an amusement park,but we can also call it a theme park. It has all the normal attractions that you can find at an amusement park,but it also has a theme. The theme,of course,is Disneyland movies and Disney characters.For example,you can find a roller coaster in amusement parks,but in Disneyland,the theme of the roller coaster is Disney characters. This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster. You can also watch Disney movies,eat in Disney restaurants and buy Disney gifts. And you can see Disney characters walking around Disneyland all the time!
    Have you ever heard of a Disney Cruise? These are huge boats that also have Disney theme. You can take a ride on the boat for several days,and you can sleep and eat on board. There are also many attractions on board, just like any other Disneyland, you can shop,go to Disneyland parties,and eat with Mickey Mouse! The boats take different routes,but they all end up in the same place. That is Disney’s own land.
    It is just so much fun in Disneyland!
    Teaching Contents:
    Ifs a reading class about an amusement park.
    Teaching Objectives:
    (1)Knowledge objective
    Students can know about the Disneyland and what a theme park is.
    (2)Ability objectives
    ①Students can develop their reading skills through fast reading and careful reading.
    ②Through pair work, students can describe a theme park.
    (3)Emotional objective
    Through reading the passage, students can enjoy the beauty of Disneyland and their affection to life can be cultivated.
    Teaching Key and Difficult Points:
    (1)How to help students grasp the main idea and detailed information of the passage.
    (2)How to enable students to master the structure of the passage and to make use of it in their description of a theme park.
    Major Steps:
    Step 1 Pre-reading(6 minutes)
    (1)Ask students whether they have ever heard about or been to the Disneyland, and whether they like it, why or why not.
    (2)Ask students to make a prediction about what the passage will talk about.
    (Justification: This step leads students to predict the passage, and stimulates their interest.)
    Step 2 While-reading(10 minutes)
    (1)Fast reading
    Ask students to read the passage quickly and divide the passage into three parts, and conclude the main idea of each part.
    Main idea:
    Paragraph 1IntroductionDisneyland is scattered around the world.
    Paragraph 2 and 3Main bodyThings one can do in Disneyland.
    Paragraph 4—conclusionIt's fun in Disneyland,
    (2)Careful reading
    Ask students to read the paragraph 2 and 3 carefully and find out the answer to the following questions:
    ①What’s the theme of Disneyland?
    ②What’s the Disney Cruise?
    ③What can you do in Disneyland?
    Then, ask some of them share their answers with the class.
    (Justification: Fast reading can develop students' ability to get key information and careful reading helps them understand the passage better.)
    Step 3 Post-reading (4 minutes)
    (1)Ask students to introduce a theme park to their partners based on the following chart and by referring to the means of expression in the passage.

    (2)Encourage one student to introduce his theme park to the class, at the same time, ask others to draw a brief picture of this student’s theme park.
    (Justification: The two steps can lead students to practice what they have learnt in the class.)


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