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来源:华课网校   2020-07-04【


  ● 个人层面自我知识与精神的锻造

  ● 培养社会意识、公民意识、团队合作、关爱互助等

  ● 教育年轻一代,民族文化传承,包括intangible cultural heritage

  ● 彰显国家民族特色和立国之本,走向世界,国家文化交流

  • 优秀范文 •


  【将所有festival的词汇换为traditional culture即可】

  With the advent of globalization Western holidays like St. Valentine’s Day and Christmas have penetrated into China, thus leading to heated controversy. For advocates, Western festivals can go beyond national and cultural barriers/boundaries for Chinese people to enjoy life and relax themselves. By following a trend of festival changes and cultural exchanges, such celebrations can further compensate/provide a stronger absence of traditional festive air in today’s China. In contrast, opponents generally prioritize preserving traditional rituals and customs. They assert the pernicious pervasion of Westernized holidays as incurring civic spiritual corruption in morality and conduct. Challengers in China show great concerns over the Western cultural invasion based upon widespread consumerism propagated by merchants. In my view, despite the good reasons by the advocates’ defenses, opponents’ caveat deserve better claims by highlighting the Western threatening impacts upon Eastern individual everyday life and national cultural independence.

  At first sight, among other merits, the larger variety of enriched personal happiness and interpersonal communication do arise from practicing Western festive celebrations. For instance, a day of expressing love and care for St. V’s day or a day of conveying best wishes for friends and relatives on Christmas eve should be heart-warming to each other. By so doing, people can relax and enjoy via amusement, gatherings, and greetings for one another in the wake of one exhausting workweek after another. Be that as it may, on second thoughts, a wider range of defects from such a popular fashion of Western festivals can be discovered/analyzed. For example, it must be acknowledged for them to deal a fatal blow on traditional Chinese culture and the sense of communal identity by reshaping the younger generation’s national and cultural identity. Next, celebrating Western holidays will give rise to more lax standards of moral and lifestyle as sex and drinking might not be rare due to breaking down Confucian ethical norms. It is the foreign festivals that are exerting religious invasion by encroaching on and corrupting local/ indigenous beliefs and habits, such as filial piety and collective values. In addition, they can represent Western expansion of culture and soft power or even cultural hegemony, thus producing/providing the complicity of commercialization and consumerism by satiating one’s desires.

  To crown it all/Based on the above analyses/evaluation, it is quite reasonable to justify such a phenomenon when people gain more chances of interpersonal communication. Yet, more significantly, that celebrating foreign festivals is more and more popular seems to pose greater danger to Chinese traditional culture and belief as the inevitable negative effects upon individual and national character must be considered. Therefore, the best way might be, as the government has been adopted, the reestablishment of the traditional festive system by reclaiming the red dates of traditional Chinese holidays on each citizen’s calendar.



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