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来源:华课网校   2018-05-22【



  Below are three tables showing the changes in your family since 1985. Look at the table and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the following points.

  1. What was your home like before 1985?

  2. What are the changes after 1985?


  Changes in My Home

  Many changes have taken place in my home since 1985. A few years ago, we lived in a twelve-meter-square room which was used as bedroom, our study as well as our dining room. I often quarreled with my sister since she often occupied the only small table or the stool.

  Later, our family moved into a new house with two large bedrooms, one sitting room, one kitchen and a clean toilet. A color TV took the place of the old black-white one and a beautiful four-speaker tape recorder was added. My parents' books found a new place in a larger bookcase and we can keep fruits, pork, eggs in a refrigerator. With the development of society, every family's life has been improved a great deal indeed.

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