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来源:华课网校   2019-06-12【



  要求:1. 日记必须包括所有图画的内容。2. 词数 100 左右。 3.格式正确。

  提示词:府南河 the Fu and Nan Rivers 志愿者 volunteer 环境 environment

  Sunday September 15 Fine

  Today I went to the Fu Nan Rivers as a young volunteer to clean the place. Early in the morning we started by bike. As soon as we got there, we began to work. First we collected the rubbish on the river bank. Then we put up notices to tell people

  to protect the environment. We kept on telling the visitors the importance of protecting the environment. Having cleaned

  the river bank we said goodbye to the workers and went home. Though I was tired, I felt happy.

责编:liumin2017 评论 纠错


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  • 会计考试
  • 建筑工程
  • 职业资格
  • 医药考试
  • 外语考试
  • 学历考试