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来源:华课网校   2019-10-16【

  Each year, Americans throw away millions of tones of electronic devices.That means business is good for a small electronics recycler in Chantilly, Virginia.

  Company President Jeremy Faber established PC Recycler.There workers were busy taking apart televisions, cell phones and computers-anything electronic.“Electronics recycling is the fastest growing waste stream in the United States right now.” Jeremy says.

  Recycling electronic waste is not a single job.Newer devices can be rebuilt and resold.Breaking down electronics into small parts to melt and purify is another part.Operations Manager Andrew Portare says, “Boards have the highest value in them so you can actually see on the back you're looking at different types of metals.Some of the older ones are mainly all gold."

  Gold new sells for more than one thousand three hundred dollars an ounce.Twenty-five percent of PC Recycler's sales come from selling parts to refiners.

  Refining companies pay more than ten dollars a kilogram for computer boards, PC Recycler can also lift profits by holding metal-rich parts until prices rise."If copper's up one day, we can ship all of our copper extract and capitalize on the market." Andrew says.

  Computers also hold private or secret information.And securing that data is the fastest growing part of the recycling business.Completely removing data from a computer hard drive is not easy.PC Recycler can remove data magnetically or completely destroy and recycle the drives.

  PC Recycler supports the Basel Action Network, which seeks to limit harmful waste and technology.The company says it does not export electronics to China, India or Africa where environmental rules are weak.

  PC Recycler has been in business since 2003, expanding from waste management to other, more technical services."There really aren't a lot of industries out there that are like this, There's either the scrap industry where they're shredding cars and shredding tires rind there's the refurbished PC market and we’re sort of sit right in between both of those." Jeremy says.

  68.How do workers in PC Recycler make the best of computer boards?

  A.By storing the boards until prices rise. '

  B.By selling the boards to the refiners.

  C.By taking away metals from the boards.

  D.By rebuilding the boards into better ones.

  69.What does Jeremy think of the business of recycling electronic waste?

  A.He thinks it should be treated as a single job.

  B.He thinks it's very difficult to earn profit in it.

  C.He thinks it will attract more investors in it.

  D.He thinks it can improve the world's economy.

  70.If workers in PC Recycler want to recycle the hard drive, they should _ .

  A.remove the data on it B.make it look newer

  C.melt some bad parts D.limit harmful waste

  71.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

  A.The trouble PC Recycler met in recycling waste

  B.PC Recycler's finding gold in old computer chips

  C.A complete new way of protecting environment

  D.A new technology of recycling electronic devices






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