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来源:中华考试网   2013-03-29   【


  The cave ecosystem in which troglobites reside can be divided in to 4 zones: . entrance, twilight, transition and deep cave.

  31.Troglobites often have very low metabolisms to survive in a low oxygen environment where food is scarce because of their low metabolisms and sedentary life styles

  32.1st animal live near cave entrance. Temperature is important

  33.2nd animal live inside the caves. main factors: food supply, temperature and humidity.

  34.They sometimes eat eggs

  35.3rd animal live outside the caves affected by disease

  36.Floodwater can be detrimental to troglobites species. Extreme winter temperatures are also intolerable.

  37.Bird and bats in caves prey on troglobites.

  38.Humans also pose a threat to them.

  39.Pesticides and sewage from cities poison troglobites communities.

  40.Scientific cave explorations can also harm these creatures.
