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来源:中华考试网   2014-04-21   【
 21. Works of literature classified into different ____________________, such as poetry, adventure stories or

  science fiction novels.

  22. A writer uses a ____________________ style to tell a story stage-by-stage to the reader throughout the course

  of a book.

  23. The ____________________ is the part of a joke or funny story which makes us laugh and is usually

  delivered at the end for maximum effect.

  24. The circumstances of the disappearance of the famous painting from the art gallery remained an

  ____________________ because they were mysterious and nobody ever understood what happened.

  25. Some manual jobs, such as toilet cleaning, are regarded as ____________________-____________________

  because the work is dirty and very poorly paid and other people look down on the workers.

  26. Jane had a real ____________________ because she couldn't decide between taking the new job for less

  money, or staying in her present position where she was unhappy, but well paid.

  27. An ____________________ group of people often has a great deal of power and influence in relation to its

  size, for example a small number of army officers or directors within a company.

  28. The divorce was very bitter and the legal settlement led to the complete ____________________ of both

  partners as they became increasingly unfriendly, unsympathetic and unsupportive towards each other.

  29. My friend has an extremely ____________________ view of human nature because he never believes people

  have good, honest or sincere reasons for doing anything.

  30. Marxist ____________________ was based partly on the ideas that people should work for the common good

  of the state according to their ability and receive payment only according to their needs.

