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来源:中华考试网   2011-11-10   【
 The history of the development of clocks continued in Europe, and starting a few hundred years after the building of the Su Sung, clocks were developed that kept time due to other natural phenomenon, mostly related to natural motion – the pulling of gravity, the swinging of pendulums, and finally, the released tension of coiled springs, a mechanism which, for the first time, allowed portable watches to become a reality.
  Label the diagram below.
  Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
  Classify the following features according to the type of clock:
  A)    Sundials
  B)    Water Clocks
  C)    Other kinds of clocks
  Write the correct letter, A, B or C in boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.
  7) Developed in Europe after the Su Sung
  8) Served purposes other than telling time
  9) Were easily portable
  10) Oldest recorded time-keeping device
  1) Obelisk
  2) Sundial
  3) Gnomon
  4) Face
  5) Water clock / Clepsydra
  6) Reservoir
  7) C
  8) B
  9) C
  10) A