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来源:中华考试网   2014-04-29   【
 Describe a good way of keeping healthy

  You should say

  What it is

  When you do it

  How you do it

  With whom you do it

  And explain the reason why you like it

  Why is health important for people?

  How do people keep healthy?

  In what way can people keep healthy?

  *A skill you want to learn but you haven’t(哈尔滨,郑州)

  Describe a skill you want to learn but you haven’t

  You should say

  Why you plan to learn it

  Where you plan to learn it

  How you plan to learn it

  Who can teach you

  What difficulties you would meet

  What is the best way of learning computer?

  How to make a dish(长沙)精品卡重出江湖!

  *Your favorite season in a year(成都,长沙,南京,广州,上海)

  Describe your favorite season in a year

  You should say

  What it is

  How is the weather

  What you (people) usually go in it

  And explain the reason why you like it

  What season do Chinese usually like?

  Why do people prefer warm weather rather than cold weather?

  Do you know somebody who prefers cold weather?

  Which job doesn’t require working in the winter?

  What are the differences between the four seasons in your country?

  What are the advantages of living in cold weather?

  What kinds of jobs are not suitable for hot weather?

  What kinds of jobs are restricted by weather?

  What do you think of the greenhouse effect?

  What is the cause for global warming?

  What should we do to solve this problem?

