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来源:中华考试网   2011-09-13   【

  0904哈尔滨rm2. 考官不错问题不多~p1:major.number.p2:a placeful place.p3:where noisy?where peace?methods to reduce noise. about staying alone.

  0904北京考试中心,Room12,一个不苟言笑的女考官。part1, study,number,outdoor activity 。part2 child part 3,education。偶滴神呐,我都要被问shi了!求人品!!!求过六!!!

  0904长沙 长沙英国男考官。。describe photography 。。。all about photography in part 3.。挣rp

  0904厦门 P1续:Numbers meaning to me & to Chinese P2:photograph of yours P3:Why people take photograph? What are the differences in occations or reasons for people to take photo between the past and the current time? Do someone who take photo everywhere overdo it?

  0904石家庄 someone you want to travel with 旧题 part3:international travel 遇到的问题等

  0904长春 下午最后一场,长春,吉林大学,room9 ,一个中年男子。Part1:major,flower,别的想不起来了。Part2:vehicle you would like to buy Part3 :各种与交通有关的,什么traffic jam,出行方式之类的。保佑我保佑我保佑我~~

  0904哈尔滨 9.4,10:45哈尔滨rm07 中年男子很友善一直笑,对回答有反应总之人很好的样纸~但愿不是笑面虎 p1喜欢住公寓还是家里why,家人一起聚餐的重要性,在家吃饭的好处,还有我再想想…p2如果有一天远离工作或学校的空闲时间你想做什么,题是虚拟语气的,回答要注意时态p3与空闲时间有关

  0904北语9.4 ROM206 一和蔼中年男子。P1:happiness,hometown,flat P2:describe the thing you want to successed.P3:钱对于成功重不重要,家长对于孩子成功的原因,教师对孩子成功后的鼓励是否重要。我觉得我咋那么快就出来了啊!!求人品啊!~求6!而且我觉得这个事旧题新考啊!~

  0904厦门 Room 602 很帅的外国男子 Part 1:your major? why choose it? what to do after graduating? Why people take photograph? Is that popuilar in China? do you prefer taking photos or buying cards in a new place? Part 2: family event
