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中华考试网   2016-10-08   【

  13.How can people discover historical sites?Usually these historical sites are discovered by archeologists’ excavation. You know archeologists would do lots of excavation in potential historical sites. By analyzing the artifacts they got from these sites, they can get some basic information like when these sites originate, whether it is a tomb for officials and so on. Sometimes these tombs have been emptied by tomb raiders and left nothing valuable for archeologists. It is said that these raiders employ Wu Xing and the Eight Trigrams to pinpoint possible historical locations.

  14.How can Chinese students learn history?

  One way Chinese student learn history is by taking history class. History classes are offered from middle school to undergraduates. If a student is interested in history, he/she can take more history classes as elective classes. Also, students can take visits of historical places to learn something that are not concluded in textbooks.

  15.Do you like your history teacher?

  Not really. I still remember that my history teacher in high school is an old with strong accent of Hebei Province. I always felt boring and felt asleep in his history class. One reason behind that is what he was not good at using electronic devices in the class room, such as computer, projector and so forth, so his method of teaching was a little bit outdated and tedious.

  16.How can teachers improve their skills in history classes?

  They should be with the students more often and listen to their opinions. If I could have a talk with my prior history teacher, I might suggest him to learn some skills of electronic devices. You know, current electronic devices in classroom are easy to operate. What he needs to do is to ask some young teachers to teach him how to use some of them, and do some practice. In this way, his history class might be much more interesting.

  17.Is it important for people to know about the history of their own country?

  Yeah, of course. If a Chinese know nothing about china’s history, he/she cannot be called a Chinese. History is always one of the hot topics in daily life. For example, my parents usually talk about China’s Cultural Revolution and its advantages and disadvantages. You know, in these discussion or talks about histories, people review what happen in the past and figure out what they should do to prevent similar mistakes and live a better life. I think this is the most significant benefit of knowing the history of our country.

  18.How do people know something about historical places?

  People usually know something about historical places from TV programs. Some educational or history programs tends to introduce some famous historical places to the audience. For example, once I watched a TV program that introduce the Forbidden City in Beijing. It tells lots of historical stories regarding the Forbidden City. This kind of TV programs really trigger my interests in history and I start to consider take a visit of the Forbidden City in the future.

  19.What are the two most famous historical places in your country?

  I think two most famous historical places is the Forbidden City in Beijing and Terra-Cotta Warriors in Xi’an. The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty. The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture. And another famous one is Terra-Cotta Warriors. It is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife. People can learn quite a lot Chinese history from these two places.

  20.Can films help people know something about historical places?

  Yeah, definitely. Films would manifest different parts of historical places from an aesthetic or artistic perspective. For example, in the film named “Burning Old Summer Palace”, people may know lots of the history of the Old Summer Palace. And most of the plots were taken in the “real” Palace Museum. So by watching this film, people can know more about the inner structure of the palace, its inner decoration and so on.

  21.Do we need to punish someone who damages historical places?

  Yeah, I think so. You know many of historical places are of long history and built decades ago. If some parts of them get damaged, it is usually hard to repair them to its origin appearance. The lost caused by misbehavior like scribing on the historical Monument is irreparable. Also, everyone should be responsible for their behavior. So just like getting a fine for running a red light, people should get punishment for damaging historical places.

  22.Despite The Forbidden City and museums, what can be categorized as historical places?

  Like I have mentioned, I think Terra-Cotta Warriors can be categorized as historical places. It is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife. And the warriors, horses and other architects are recognized as a world cultural legacy.

  23.Are there any historical places in your hometown?

  Yeah, City God Temple is one of the historical places in Shanghai. There I can purchase lots of souvenirs and try different special snacks like candied haw, soup dumplings and so forth. It is said that City God Temple was built during Three Kingdom Period and reconstructed during Yongle reign of the early Ming dynasty. Many tourists might choose to take a visit of City God Temple when they are in Shanghai.

  24.Which one do you prefer, natural sceneries or historical places?

  From my perspective, I prefer natural sceneries. You know these places are usually of beautiful views. I and my husband often choose to travel to the places with charming beaches and sea. For example, last year, I and my husband took our daughter to Bali. All of us enjoyed this trip pretty much—it has several beautiful beaches, fresh sea food and so forth.



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