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中华考试网  2015-04-28  【


  “What r u doing? I'm waiting 4 u.” It is a __21__ thing to see teenagers tapping away on their mobile phones. But parents and teachers are __22__ that a “lost generation” may grow up with great technology skills, but be unable to __23__.

  The Qilu Evening News, in Shandong Province, has reported that parents of primary school students are facing a huge __24__ in getting their children to improve their handwriting. Schools have set __25__ special handwriting classes for pupils. In a(n) __26__ of text messages, __27__, computer games and Microsoft World, is it any __28__ that teens view handwriting as old­fashioned as tying your feet with a long strip of cloth?

  I learnt to write __29__ I was five years old. Armed with a big pencil, I __30__ to make sense of the alphabet. Being able to __31__ through writing proves that we have the ability for thinking intelligently, __32__ us from animals.

  OK, so most teenagers will not be able to write in a few years. What's the big __33__?

  Well, using a keyboard all the time may be affecting the shape of your hands. A new study __34__ recently in Shandong __35__ the fingers of people under 25 years old has shown that thumbs are taking over from other fingers as the hand's most flexible and strong fingers.

  The Chinese __36__ view handwriting as an indication of a person's __37__. Calligraphy(书法) has __38__ been an important part of Chinese culture, but today its future is __39__. Before we lose our skills altogether, __40__ that a letter written by hand is worth a thousand times more than a quick e­mail.

  21.A.simple B.common

  C.foolish D.special

  22.A.shocked B.disappointed

  C.ashamed D.worried

  23.A.speak B.read

  C.write D.listen

  24.A.hardship B.challenge

  C.project  D.task

  25.A.in B.out

  C.up D.down

  26.A.period B.world

  C.time D.age

  27.A.e­mails B.telephones

  C.videos D.radios

  28.A.reason B.wonder

  C.fun D.chance

  29.A.when B.until

  C.since D.while

  30.A.realized B.wanted

  C.struggled D.continued

  31.A.think B.communicate

  C.feel D.tap

  32.A.dividing B.lifting

  C.separating D.freeing

  33.A.fear B.benefit

  C.difficulty D.deal

  34.A.picked out B.found out

  C.worked out D.carried out

  35.A.on B.to

  C.for D.by

  36.A.normally B.traditionally

  C.officially D.proudly

  37.A.skill B.deed

  C.hobby D.character

  38.A.always B.still

  C.often D.even

  39.A.bright B.amazing

  C.uncertain D.different

  40.A.remember B.enjoy

  C.choose D.learn
