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中华考试网  2015-01-28  【

  21. A. attention B. behavior C. explanation D. reason

  22. A. river B. pond C. lake D. dam

  23. A. skating B. fishing C. swimming D. skiing

  24. A. afternoon B. morning C. evening D. night

  25. A. after B. until C. as D. if

  26. A. go B. run C. sit D. wait

  27. A. found B. threw C. took D. hid

  28. A. lonely B. single C. alone D. afraid

  29. A. noisy B. happy C. small D. young

  30. A. changed B. disappeared C. increased D. stopped

  31. A. filled B. controlled C. covered D. loaded

  32. A. hit B. dragged C. set D. tapped

  33. A. day B. hour C. minute D. second

  34. A. head B. hand C. arm D. leg

  35. A. left B.succeeded C. tried D. survived

  36. A. worried B. surprised C. excited D. exhausted

  37. A. lying B. standing C. laughing D. crawling

  38. A. raising B. shaking C. holding D. washing

  39. A. place B. mind C. defense D. rescue

  40. A. take up B. make up with C. bring up D. come up with

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