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中华考试网  2015-11-19  【



  请阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

  注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。

  Trust is in rare supply these days. People are having trouble trusting each other, according to an AP-GFK poll conducted in November 2013, which found that Americans are suspicious of each other in their everyday life. Only one-third of Americans say most people can be trusted—down from half who felt that way in 1972. A record high of nearly two-thirds says “you can’t be too careful” in dealing with people in 2013.

  This can be carried over into the workplace, where employees want their leaders to be more trustworthy. Employees have grown tired of unexpected outcomes resulting from the lack of preparation. They want to be informed of any change management efforts before—not after the fact. Employees desire to know what is expected of them and be given the opportunity to better themselves, rather than be told they are not qualified for new roles and responsibilities.

  Here are four early warning signs for you to course-correct when employees are having trouble trusting their leaders.

  Lack courage

  Leaders that don’t stand up for what they believe in are difficult to respect and trust. Too many leaders waste too much of their valuable time trying to act like other leaders in the organization—rather than attempting to establish their own identity and leadership style. Employees know that if their leaders are not savvy(精明的)enough to move themselves into a position of greater influence, it will make it much more difficult for them to get noticed and discovered as well. When leaders lack the courage to enable their full potential and that of others, it becomes a challenge to trust their judgment, self-confidence, self-awareness and overall capabilities.


  When a leader is only looking out for themselves and lacks any sense of commitment to the advancement of their employees—this shuts off employees quickly. Great leaders are great coaches and are always looking to help their employees grow. When leaders lack any real desire to coach or guide the career advancement of their employees—it becomes increasingly difficult for employees to trust them. But when leaders are too disruptive(扰乱性的), their employees sense that they are in it for themselves or don’t trust the talent around them.

  Reputation issues

  When people begin to speak negatively about their leader, it makes it more difficult for others to trust their intentions. For example, look at what has happened to President Barack Obama since December 2009 when his approval rating was 69%. Four years later, Obama’s approval rating is at 43%. Many who have followed him for years are now having trouble trusting him.

  Every leader must be aware that they are constantly being evaluated and thus they can never grow self-satisfied. When they do, this begins to negatively impact their reputation and the trust employees have in their leadership.

  Inconsistent Behavior

  People are more inclined to trust those who are consistent with their behavior. Isn’t it easy to begin questioning one’s judgment when they are inconsistent? When everyone but the leader is on board with a strategy—you begin to wonder if their intentions are to support the organization’s advancement or their own. Leaders need to refresh their leadership style before they lose the trust of their employees.

  This is what today leaders must consider: how to lead in new ways that focus less on oneself, but more on the betterment of a healthier whole.

  Trust between employees and their leaders Problem (1) ________ has been declining among Americans in their daily life as well as in the workplace. Employees’ hopes for leaders (2) ________ trust ·Employees want to be(3) ________ to get prepared for any change management efforts in advance.

  ·Employees desire to know their leaders’ expectations of them and want to get(4) ________ to better themselves. Warnings for leaders to(5) ________ the breakdown of trust ·Don’t(6) ________ other leaders and stand up for what you believe in.

  ·Be(7) ________ to helping your employees grow.

  ·Never let(8) ________ negatively impact your reputation.

  ·Behave(9) ________ or your judgment will be questioned. Suggestion For leaders, more focus on the betterment of a healthier whole should be taken into(10) ________ . 【文章大意】现代社会出现了信任危机, 很多职员对领导人的信任程度越来越低, 文章给出了几个警示, 让领导人避免失去员工的信任。

  1. 【解析】Trust。原词重现。从文章第一段开头的句子Trust is in rare supply these days. People are having trouble trusting each other, according to an AP-GFK poll conducted in November 2013, which found that Americans are suspicious of each other in their everyday life. 可知答案, 注意首字母要大写。

  2. 【解析】worth/deserving。词形转换。第二段的句子This can be carried over into the workplace, where employees want their leaders to be more trustworthy. 中的trustworthy转换得出答案, 此处worth/deserving trust是后置定语, 修饰leaders, 意为“职员渴望值得信任的领导”。

  3. 【解析】informed。原词重现。根据第二段They want to be informed of any change management efforts before—not after the fact. 得出答案。

  4. 【解析】opportunities/chances。词形转换。第二段Employees desire to know what is expected of them and be given the opportunity to better themselves, rather than be told they are not qualified for new roles and responsibilities. 中的the opportunity转换为复数形式。

  5. 【解析】avoid。信息提炼。根据第三段Here are four early warning signs for you to course-correct when employees are having trouble trusting their leaders. 可知, 此处是警告领导人要避免失去员工的信任。

  6. 【解析】copy/imitate。信息提炼。根据第四段的句子Too many leaders waste too much of their valuable time trying to act like other leaders in the organization中的act like得出答案, 此处意为: 不要模仿其他领导者。

  7. 【解析】committed/devoted/decided。词形转换。根据第五段句子When a leader is only looking out for themselves and lacks any sense of commitment to the advancement of their employees—this shuts off employees quickly. 中的commitment得出答案。

  8. 【解析】self-satisfaction。词形转换。Every leader must be aware that they are constantly being evaluated and thus they can never grow self-satisfied. 中的self-satisfied转换成名词self-satisfaction。

  9. 【解析】consistently。词形转换。根据第八段句子People are more inclined to trust those who are consistent with their behavior. 中的consistent得出答案。

  10. 【解析】consideration/account。固定搭配。根据最后一段的句子This is what today leaders must consider: how to lead in new ways that focus less on oneself, but more on the betterment of a healthier whole. 中的consider得出答案, take. . . into consideration/account, 意为“把……考虑在内”。



  1. 照搬原文词汇

  任务型阅读原文词汇占有一定的比例, 通常在3个题左右。例如: 第1题原文词汇是 ; 第3题原文词汇是。

  2. 原文动词→题目中名词

  如第10题, 原文是动词, 此空是名词。

  3. 原文名词→题目中动词

  如第7题原文是名词, 此处要填动词形式。

  4. 表格左侧的词高度概括表格右侧的内容。

  如第5题高度概括了表格右侧中的内容。 Trust informed 2. consider consideration 3. commitment committed 4. avoid
