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中华考试网  2015-11-16  【

  Ⅲ. 书面表达


  阅读下面的短文, 然后按要求写一篇150个词左右的英语短文。

  Recently the reporters of CCTV-11 made a random survey in some big cities in China among the pedestrians about the correct spelling of some most commonly used Chinese characters, the result of which was completely beyond their expectation.

  The expression they used was “embarrass”, which is pronounced in Chinese “gan ga”and also a bit difficult to write. First they asked eight students from grade 4 to 6 in a famous primary school in Beijing, but only two of them could write them correctly. Later they came to a secondary school and asked eight students to do the same thing, and this time the result was a bit better, three of whom wrote the two characters correctly. What’s more surprising was that they asked five persons who had got doctor’s degrees to write the same characters, but only two of them could write them correctly. The result was really terrible. Is it too difficult? Absolutely not! All the informants held the view that they almost did all the writing on computers in their daily life instead of writing them by hand. As a matter of fact, nowadays the ability of writing Chinese characters and handwriting in our daily life is decreasing sharply, which has aroused great attention of experts and authorities of education department on the use and development of our mother tongue.


  1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点。

  2. 然后以约120个词就以下几点发表自己的看法:



  (3)作为中学生, 我们应该怎么做。


  1. 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

  2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


  概括准确, 语言规范, 内容合适, 语篇连贯。



  The survey indicates that the ability of writing Chinese characters is decreasing sharply in recent years among young generations because of too much dependence on computers.

  The fact that our ability of writing Chinese characters and Chinese handwriting is getting poorer and poorer is beyond doubt now. The reasons may be that computers have become one part of our daily life and we can nearly do everything on it without handwriting. Students nowadays needn’t take their pens to write letters, do calculations or even write compositions.

  However, we can’t neglect the fact that the inability of writing Chinese characters and poor handwriting can cause embarrassment or even trouble in our life. If a professor was giving a lecture to the students, he wrote his main points on the blackboard, of which three Chinese characters were wrongly written. One of the students pointed them out and it really embarrassed the professor.

  As middle school students, we have got the responsibility to develop our mother tongue. So we should write more instead of relying too much on computers. We also suggest that the whole society pay more attention to the development of our mother tongue; otherwise it will be too late to do anything about it by then.



  高考完形填空最常考的四种逻辑关系是并列、转折让步、因果和时间, 被称为逻辑“四大天王”。完形填空题需根据特定的“情景”意义来选择一个最佳答案, 关键在于对文章逻辑的正确把握。

  逻辑关系 常用词汇 并 列 and, while 转折让步 but, however, nevertheless, yet, though, although, while 因 果 so, therefore, thus, because, for, since, as, due to, owning to, thanks to, as a result of 时 间 when, while, as, before, after, meanwhile, finally, eventually, then, later 递 进 even, still 例如: 此篇完形填空第10题考查考生对文章上下文逻辑关系的把握能力。此空前面提到毒品带给自己的安慰, 此空后面讲述毒品对自己的伤害, 很明显前后两句间是 关系, 故选, 表示“”。答案:转折 though 然而, 可是
