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中华考试网  2015-11-16  【


  As of Monday, Amy Carrickhoff’s video “Spoiled deer getting her bottle” was viewed more than 792, 000 times and shared 9, 600 times. In this heartwarming video, Carrickhoff stands outside her house in Oakridge, North Carolina,  1 for a deer she has named “Little Girl. ”The deer comes out of the 2 and jumps on her. It hurries up the driveway and 3 Carrickhoff into the house, where it then sucks down a baby bottle of goat’s milk. When the 4 is gone, Carrickhoff wipes its mouth with a tissue.

  While some animal lovers were touched by the obvious 5 Carrickhoff had with the deer, others felt she wasn’t doing the deer any 6 . They said she was allowing the deer to get too 7 around humans and it could have been hit by a car, been shot by a hunter, or hurt someone. “You just gave this animal a death 8 —you also have put all your neighbors and their children at 9 of being attacked when this deer matures, and when it doesn’t get 10 , it attacks someone, ”one viewer wrote.

  Carrickhoff’s comment was that if she had known the video would get so many 11 she would have changed out of her gym clothes. As for the deer,  12 , the update isn’t a happy one.

  Little Girl continued coming back for bottles until around January 2011, when it moved onto 13 deer food. Carrickhoff said, “She walked off into the woods and we never saw her again. We 14 those woods. . . we never found anything. ”

  Looking back, Carrickhoff said getting to know the deer was a special 15 that she wouldn’t regret.

  Friends had brought Little Girl to Carrickhoff’s home because the woods in their backyard were protected, and the deer would be 16 from hunters. School children loved visiting the gentle creature, who would 17 them with its soft tongue and didn’t mind being 18 .

  Carrickhoff is confident that she didn’t over-domesticate(过度驯养)the animal. Even when Little Girl was bottle-fed, she lived in the woods and did “deer things”, Carrickhoff’s daughter said. The deer gave birth to a 19 of its own the following June, and toward the end, it wouldn’t come when it was called. It was becoming 20 again.

  She and her husband got so attached to Little Girl that they don’t ever want to take care of another animal. “I just watch the videos and she kind of lives on, ”she said.

  【文章大意】本文讲述Carrickhoff喂养小鹿的故事。在Carrickhoff的呼唤下, 一只小鹿从树林里蹦出来, 跟随Carrickhoff来到房间里喝羊奶, 这段视频的播出引发了人们的热议。有的人被视频中人与动物之间的亲密关系所感动, 而有的人却提出了反对意见。

  1. A. hunting  B. asking  C. calling  D. applying

  【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。A. 打猎; B. 询问; C. 召唤; D. 应用, 申请。从上文可知Carrickhoff站在房子外面召唤小鹿, 故选C。

  2. A. house B. woods C. cage D. garage

  【解析】选B。考查名词。A. 房子; B. 树林; C. 笼子; D. 车库。根据下文She walked off into the woods可知小鹿生活在树林里, 故选B。

  3. A. walks B. takes C. follows D. watches

  【解析】选C。考查动词。由下文可知小鹿和Carrickhoff一起走进房间里喝奶, 所以选C, 意为“跟随”。

  4. A. animal B. milk C. bottle D. time

  【解析】选B。考查名词。根据前文内容“it then sucks down a baby bottle of goat’s milk可知选B. milk。

  5. A. appointment B. accommodation

  C. peace D. bond

  【解析】选D。考查名词。A. 约定, 委任, 职位; B. 住宿, 膳宿; C. 和平, 平静; D. 联系, 关系。小鹿在Carrickhoff的召唤下从树林里跑出来跟随她去房间里喝奶这件事表明了人与动物之间的密切关系, 由此判断选D。

  6. A. favor B. harm C. service D. business

  【解析】选A。考查名词。do sb. a favor意为“对某人有帮助, 给某人以恩惠”。从下文可知, 反对者认为这样做会让小鹿太靠近人们的居住地, 容易被车撞, 同时动物也失去了对人的警惕性, 容易被人猎杀, 由此认为这样做对小鹿没有好处, 故选A。

  7. A. comfortable B. excited

  C. uneasy D. embarrassed

  【解析】选A。考查形容词。小鹿不用费劲就能吃到准备好的食物, 所以和人在一起它会感到很舒服。B. 兴奋的; C. 不安的, 心神不宁的; D. 难为情的, 均不合语境。

  8. A. sentence B. punishment

  C. direction D. prediction

  【解析】选A。考查名词。反对者认为这种做法对小鹿没有好处, 等同于给它判了死刑。give sb. a death sentence判处某人死刑。B. 惩罚; C. 指导, 方向; D. 预测。

  9. A. sight B. mercy C. moment D. risk

  【解析】选D。考查名词。反对者认为小鹿长大成熟后有可能伤及邻居和孩子, 即“使他们处于危险之中”。

  10. A. hunted B. fed

  C. respected D. welcomed

  【解析】选B。考查动词。从文中可知, 现在小鹿由人喂养, 给它提供食物, 但是当它长大后得不到食物时, 有可能袭击人。get fed意为“被喂养”。

  11. A. copies B. cheers C. attacks D. views

  【解析】选D。考查名词。此处条件句用了虚拟语气, Carrickhoff说她如果知道这个视频会引起这么多人观看, 她当时就会不穿健身服了。此处view意为“观看, 浏览”。

  12. A. fortunately B. hopefully

  C. sadly D. doubtfully

  【解析】选C。考查副词。从the update isn’t a happy one可知最新信息并不令人愉快, 故用sadly。

  13. A. sufficient B. rare

  C. regular D. favorite

  【解析】选C。考查形容词。小鹿长大后应该吃常规的食物, 故选C。A. 足够的; B. 罕见的; D. 最喜爱的。

  14. A. protected B. watched

  C. entered D. combed

  【解析】选D。考查动词。从空后内容we never found anything. 可以判断小鹿不再出现时, Carrickhoff和家人在小树林里寻找未果, comb此处意为“彻底搜寻”。

  15. A. event B. experience

  C. incident D. accident

  【解析】选B。考查名词。根据语境可知, Carrickhoff认为认识小鹿这个过程是一次特别的经历。故选B。A. 事件; C. 事情, 事件; D. 事故, 均不合句意。

  16. A. discouraged B. safe

  C. parted D. invisible

  【解析】选B。考查形容词。从because the woods in their backyard were protected可以确定小鹿在这片树林里是安全的。

  17. A. lift B. lick C. touch D. taste

  【解析】选B。考查动词。根据后面with its soft tongue可以确定选lick, 意为“舔”。

  18. A. cheated B. cared C. studied D. petted

  【解析】选D。考查动词。由文章可知孩子们喜欢被小鹿舔, 也喜欢抚摸小鹿, pet意为“抚摸, 轻抚”。

  19. A. sister B. brother C. baby D. beast

  【解析】选C。考查名词。根据give birth to可知, 小鹿产下了幼崽, 故选C。

  20. A. timid B. tamed C. wild D. natural

  【解析】选C。考查形容词。小鹿本来是野生动物, 被人喂养一段时间后, 又回到了野生环境, 故选C。A. 胆小的; B. 驯服的; D. 自然的。
