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中华考试网  2015-10-26  【



  Sara:How are you recently, Jane?

  Jane:Not very well. I have been gaining weight. It's too much for my __1__(high). The doctor asked me to watch what I eat, __2__ I can't help eating sweets whenever they are in my presence. If only I __3__(follow) my doctor's advice.

  Sara:__4__ is believed that overweight results from overeating. You need to work out. Why don't you attend an aerobics class? Perhaps it can __5__ (less)your anxiety.

  Jane:Can I certainly lose weight after attending that class?

  Sara:Yes, I think __6__. You can not __7__ work the fat off your body but also keep your body fit. So you can kill two birds with one stone.

  Jane:You mean I don't need to diet?

  Sara:__8__ I mean is that you need to keep a diet while you are working out. __9__(combine) exercise with dieting may be the __10__ effective way to lose weight.

  Jane:Thank you for your advice. I think I'll try that class.



  1.height  考查形容词和名词的词形转化。high的名词形式:height。

  2.but 考生应能从上下文的行文逻辑,填入适当的并列连词。句意:医生告诉我注意饮食,但是我只要看见糖果,就禁不住要吃。

  3.had followed 考查虚拟语气中的动词形式。句意:我要是听从了医生的意见该有多好!If only是虚拟语气的标志,与过去相关,用had+过去分词。

  4.It 考生应能在理解语篇的基础上,准确理解句意并能正确判断句子结构和句式。It在此作形式主语。

  5.lessen 考查形容词和动词的词形转化。情态动词can后面应该加动词原形,lessen动词,意为“减少”。

  6.so 考生应能根据上下文,填入一个符合语境的词。句意:是的,我认为是这样。

  7.only 考生应能根据上下文,填入符合语境的词。根据下文的“but also”可以判断出此空应填“not only”。

  8.What  考生应能准确理解句意并能正确判断句子结构和句式。what在此引导主语从句,并在从句中作宾语。

  9.Combining 考生应能准确理解句意并能正确判断句子结构。动名词作主语。

  10.most 考查形容词最高级的用法。句意:运动和节食相结合是我所知道的最有效的减肥方式。



  Today is Tom's 70th birthday, but there is anybody with him.He feels very disappointing.His sons didn't care for him on this special day.Although the cakes are very delicious, but he doesn't want to touch it.He just wants his children come and see him.Nowadays, many young people are so busy and independent which they seldom visit their parents.But blood is thick than water.Our dear parents brought us up for a lot of difficulty.Thus, we should and must bring happy to them when they become old.


  Today is Tom's 70th birthday, but there is with him. He feels very . His sons care for him on this special day. Although the cakes are very delicious,but he doesn't want to touch . He just wants his children come and see him. Nowadays, many young people are so busy and independent they seldom visit their parents. But blood is than water. Our dear parents brought us up a lot of difficulty. Thus, we should and must bring to them when they become old.
