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中华考试网  2015-04-20  【


  When I was a child I had a model railway set. As I drove my train around the track I set myself __1__ goals:“Keep the train at a constant speed” and “let it travel as __2__ as I can”. This was fun and exciting. Finally, I was __3__ to find myself driving the train around bends at full speed. Of course, the train went off the rails, but it did not __4__ me.

  The few __5__ I had only served to reassure(使……确信) me that it was possible. I just __6__ the majority of failures and kept trying to repeat the __7__ of successes, since I had __8__ motivation. It was only then that my father __9__ what I was doing and stopped me so that I restarted to __10__ what I was doing. Interestingly my father had to try hard to get the train __11__ out of my hands. I had not realized that I had been __12__ them so tightly. For the first time in my life I noticed my heart __13__ rapidly. With the help of my father I realized I should __14__ my goals and use steady force. In the end, I did it __15__.

  I use this example to show what I __16__ driven motivation. It comes from within us and takes us over for a time. Motivation can __17__ us, but if not managed it can cause us to __18__ the reality and act as a catalyst (催化剂) for __19__ behavior. Therefore, we should learn to manage our motivation in order to be more __20__ in our lives and work.

  1. A. unclear B.specific

  C. high D realistic

  2. A. quickly B.freely

  C. quietly D.carefully

  3. A. annoyed B.amazed

  C. confused D.concerned

  4. A. discourage B.disturb

  C. discover D.distrust

  5. A. difficulties B.problems

  C. experiments D.successes

  6. A. ignored B.imagined

  C. valued D.admitted

  7. A. secret B.power

  C. minority D.meaning

  8. A. poor B.real

  C. primary D.strong

  9. A. noticed B.praised

  C. followed D.believed

  10. A. talk about B.think about

  C. learn from D.set down

  11. A. tickets B.controls

  C. guards D.windows

  12. A. packing B.biting

  C. holding D.pushing

  13. A. kicking B.knocking

  C. shaking D.beating

  14. A. set B.score

  C. lower D.achieve

  15. A. easily B.partly

  C. equally D.madly

  16. A. order B.call

  C. expect D.promise

  17. A. ruin B.worry

  C. benefit D.protect

  18. A. get close to B.lose touch with

  C. get used to D.do away with

  19. A. good B.social

  C. normal D.negative

  20. A. grateful B.attractive

  C. respectful D.effective


  【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者通过自己玩玩具火车的经历告诉我们要学会掌控自己对于某件事情的动机。

  1. C 解析:由下文的Keep the train ... as I can及火车总是出轨可知,“我”给自己设定的目标太“高(high)”了。

  2. A 解析:由下文的driving the train around bends at full speed可知,“我”让火车尽可能“快地(quickly)”跑。

  3. B 解析:由下文的find myself driving the train around bends at full speed可知,火车正以全速通过弯道,这令“我”十分“惊讶(amazed)”。

  4. A 解析:由上文的the train went off the rails及转折连词but可知,这并没有让“我”“泄气(discourage)”。

  5. D 解析:由上文火车跑出轨道的事实可知,作者“成功(successes)”的次数很少。

  6. A 7. C

  8. D 解析:由上文的The few ... reassure me that it was possible可知, “我”有很“强的(strong)”动力,所以“我”“无视(ignored)”那些失败,即使成功十分“渺茫(minority)”,“我”仍不放弃。

  9. A

  10. B 解析:父亲“注意到了(noticed)”“我”所做的事情,于是让“我”停下来重新“想一想(think about)”自己所做的事。

  11. B 解析:由上文内容可知,作者在玩玩具火车,所以这里是指火车的“遥控器(controls)”。

  12. C 解析:由上文的try hard to get the train ... out of my hands可知,“我”一直在紧紧地“握着(holding)”遥控器。

  13. D 解析:心跳很快,用beating来表示。

  14. C 解析:由上文内容可知,“我”将目标定得太高了,所以“我”应该“降低(lower)”自己的目标。

  15. A 解析:由上文的With the help of my father ... use steady force可知,“我”最终很“容易(easily)”就成功了。

  16. B 解析:由上文“我”玩玩具火车这件事情和最后一段中对动机的分析可知,“我”是想表明“我”对驱动力的理解,故用call。

  17. C 18. B

  19. D 解析:由but if not managed可知,动机会让我们“受益(benefit)”,但如果掌控不好,它也会让我们“脱离(lose touch with)”现实并导致一些“消极的(negative)”行为。

  20. D 解析:由上文的we should learn to manage out motivation可知,这样我们才会在生活和工作中更“有效率
