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中华考试网  2015-04-17  【


  I hear this from people all the time:“It's expensive to eat healthily.” To be clear, I understand that organic bread is a lot more expensive than Pop Tarts, but I also know that you can't put a price tag on your health or your life. I also know that the same people who tell me they can't afford to eat healthily are spending upwards of $30 a week on coffee, $6 or $7 for a pack of cigarettes, and at least $3 every day at the vending machine, but they can't afford to buy fresh fruit because it's “too expensive”. Wake up, people!

  You are either going to spend your money at the grocery store or the doctor's office. If you think buying a few extra bananas is expensive, try pricing out diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or any number of other diseases that can be controlled, or avoided through diet.

  Eating well and taking care of yourself is not a privilege reserved for the well­off-it's a right that everyone should exercise! I'm not rich by any means, but I budget my money in such a way that I can afford to eat healthfully. Some weeks I may not be able to afford lots of organics and other specialty items, but I can always afford to throw a couple extra bananas and apples in my grocery cart, along with some vegetables and a dozen eggs.

  As a certified health coach, I work with so many people struggling with their health. When I tell them that the road to recovery can be found in their very own kitchens, they look so skeptical; that's because society wants us to believe that we have to buy a certain diet book, or invest in some fancy piece of gym equipment to make a change.

  There are so many things money can't buy, such as good health, longevity. It's time to focus on what your life depends on! Don't “cheap out” on your health. Start to make the investment today!

  8.What can we learn by reading the first paragraph?

  A.Most people have little money for healthy food.

  B.Coffee costs almost the most in every family.

  C.People's health awareness should be improved.

  D.Organic bread tastes far better than Pop Tarts.

  9.Considering organic foods when shopping means ________.

  A.you are making a good investment in yourself

  B. you are burning too much money on food

  C.you are making contributions to the environment

  D. you are informed of numbers of diseases

  10.How does the author do in daily life?

  A.He lives a simple but meaningful life.

  B.He attaches importance to his health.

  C. He tends to eat fruits instead of foods.

  D.He spends money when necessary.

  11.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Organic foods are sure to cost more money.

  B.Your life is more important than your money.

  C.Few people know how to make an investment.

  D.It's really expensive to have healthy eating.



  8.C'解析:细节理解题。依据文章第一段的“$30 a week on coffee,$6 or $7 for a pack of cigarettes,and at least $3 every day at the vending machine”可知,很多人不是没有钱去买绿色食品,而是把钱花在很多对身体不健康的食物或饮料上。因此重要的是提高人们的健康意识,故选C项。


  10.B'解析:细节理解题。依据文章第三段的“budget my money in such a way that I can afford to eat healthfully”可知,作者在生活中,很注意健康饮食。故选B项。

