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中华考试网  2015-04-15  【



  I'd gone from a tiny village school with a total of 60 students to a huge school with thousands of pupils. I was a little fish in a very big __1__. I lived too much of my first year __2__ doing anything wrong. I just decided to be the wall flower when it __3__class discussion and answering questions. I was always the one that __4__ didn't look the teachers in the eye __5__ they asked me to answer. I listened well, and __6__ everything in, but I always liked to be a spectator(旁观者). It's hard not to __7__ what others may think of you when you are speaking in front of many __8__. It did take long for me to feel __9__ with teachers and make friends with classmates.

  Some people __10__ straight into a new learning environment. __11__, most are nervous and feel they don't fit in. It's completely __12__, so it should not be a worry to you. Be __13__ and you will adapt to the new school. School life is __14__ you make of it. Some __15__ it; some love it. But it's only when you leave that you can really appreciate how school __16__ you into the person you become.

  It's so important to __17__ yourself out of your comfort zone. If you're shy, tell yourself you'll raise your __18__at least once every lesson; if you're quick­minded, try to give other people a (n) __19__. In time, you will __20__ how much you loved it or hated it.

  1. A. class B. school

  C. lake D. house

  2. A. in fear of B. in favour of

  C. in honor of D. in danger of

  3. A. got to B. referred to

  C. turned to D. came to

  4. A. sharply B. purposely

  C. hopelessly D. searchingly

  5. A. in case B. so that

  C. the moment D. soon after

  6. A. wrote B. brought

  C. took D. got

  7. A. doubt B. apply

  C. check D. care

  8. A. teachers B. classmates

  C. adults D. friends

  9. A. angry B. popular

  C. disappointed D. comfortable

  10. A. slide B. fit

  C. change D. turn

  11. A. Therefore B. Moreover

  C. However D. Meanwhile

  12. A. normal B. strange

  C. awkward D. interesting

  13. A. proud B. practical

  C. private D. positive

  14. A. what B. how

  C. which D. when

  15. A. like B. ignore

  C. accept D. hate

  16. A. forces B. develops

  C. places D. teaches

  17. A. push B. take

  C. kick D. remove

  18. A. voice B. question

  C. hand D. head

  19. A. answer B. chance

  C. hug D. smile

  20. A. forget B. forgive

  C. realize D. remember


  【语篇解读】 作者转学后花了很长时间才适应新的学习环境。作者在文中为那些要适应新的学习环境的人提供了建议。

  1. C 解析:根据上文可知,作者从一所小的乡村学校转到一所大学校,所以作者将自己比作一个大湖里的小鱼,应选择C。

  2. A 解析:根据下文的“I just decided to be the wall flower...”可知,到了新的环境,作者害怕出错,所以决定做局外人,应选择A。in fear of“害怕”;in favour of“支持”;in honor of“为向……表示敬意”;in danger of“处于……的危险中”。

  3. D 解析:when it comes/came to...表示“当论及……的时候”,为固定结构。

  4. B 解析:根据上一句可知,作者不想参与课堂讨论和回答问题,所以作者会故意避免与老师的目光接触,应选择B。sharply“急剧地”;purposely“故意地”;hopelessly“无望地”;searchingly“彻底地”。

  5. A 解析:作者故意避免与老师的目光接触,以防老师提问他。in case“以防”;so that“以便”;the moment“一……就”;soon after“在……之后,不久”。

  6. C 解析:根据上文的“I listened well”可知,作者听讲很认真,应是努力记住课堂上老师讲的一切东西。take in“领会,记住”。

  7. D 解析:根据上文的“but I always liked to be a spectator(旁观者)”,并结合下文的“It did take long for me... make friends with classmates.”可知,在许多同班同学面前讲话而不在意别人的看法是很难的。doubt“怀疑”;apply“应用”;check“核实”;care“在意,在乎”。

  8. B 解析:参见上题解析。

  9. D 解析:作者花了很长时间才觉得与老师在一起很轻松。comfortable表示“舒服的,轻松的”。

  10. B 解析:根据下文的“feel they don't fit in”可知,此处应指一些人能立即适应新的学习环境,故用fit。

  11. C 解析:上文说一些人能很快适应新的学习环境,下文说大部分人会紧张,觉得不适应,前后为转折关系,因此选择C。therefore“因此”;moreover“此外”;however“然而”;meanwhile“与此同时”。

  12. A 解析:根据下文的“so it should not be a worry to you”可知,感觉不适应是完全正常的,所以不必为此担心。normal“正常的”;strange“奇怪的”;awkward“笨拙的”;interesting“有趣的”。

  13. D 解析:积极面对,你会适应新的学校。proud“自豪的”;practical“实用的”;private“私人的”;positive“积极的”。

  14. A 解析:__14__ you make of it.为表语从句,因引导词在从句中作make的宾语,表示“什么”,所以用what。

  15. D 解析:根据下文的“some love it”及最后一段最后一句的“how much you loved it or hated it”可知,应选择D。

  16. B 解析:此处表示“学校如何使你变成现在的你”。force“强迫”;develop“使成长”;place“放置”;teach“教”。

  17. A 解析:强迫自己走出自己的舒适区是很重要的。push sb.out of表示“把某人推出”。

  18. C 解析:此处指每节课至少举手回答一次问题,因此选择C。

  19. B 解析:如果你思维敏捷,尽量给别人一次机会。作者在此建议给别人回答问题的机会,而不是答案。

  20. C 解析:此处指你最终会意识到你有多爱它或多恨它。forget“忘记”;forgive“原谅”;realize“意识到”;remember“记得”。
