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中华考试网  2015-03-27  【


  1.Ann is very tired. She________ ________ ________(work)hard.

  2.I________ ________(be)at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.

  3.I thought you________ ________ ________(leave)by this time.

  4.The Browns________ ________(visit)a lot of places in China so far.

  5.I didn't know a thing about the verbs, for I________ ________ ________(not study)my lesson.

  6.It________ ________ ________(rain)for two hours.

  7.She found the key that she________ ________(lose).

  8.She________ ________ ________(play)tennis since she was eight.

  9.You________ ________ ________(reach)Shanghai by this time tomorrow.

  10.The car is going again now. Tom________ ________(repair)it.

  答案 1.has been working 2.had been 3.would have left 4.have visited 5.had not studied 6.has been raining 7.had lost 8.has been playing 9.will have reached10.has repaired


  1.He________ ________ ________for me and I haven't had that much contact with him.


  2.He told them he________ ________ ________it by 8 o'clock.


  3.She________ ________her cousin for a long time.


  4.________you________ ________Kevin for 10 years next month?


  5.I returned the book that I________ ________.


  答案 1.hasn't been working 2.would have finished 3.hasn't seen 4.Will;have known 5.had borrowed


  1.So far this year we________a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.

  A.saw B.see

  C.had seen D.have seen

  解析 so far常用于现在完成时,故选D。

  答案 D

  2.We________on this project for four hours. Let's have a rest.

  A.are working B.have been working

  C.worked D.had worked

  解析 从句子的时间状语for four hours和后面的句子Let's have a rest.可知,动作从过去发生,到说话的时候一直在进行着。句意:我们在这项工程上一直工作了四个小时了。咱们休息一会儿吧。

  答案 B

  3.I have been studying here for four years, by next summer I________.

  A.shall graduate

  B.shall be graduated

  C.shall be graduating

  D.shall have graduated

  解析 by next summer是明确表示将来的时间状语, 主句表示在这个将来时间以前完成的动作,故应用将来完成时。

  答案 D

  4.Both his parents look sad.Maybe they________what's happened to him.

  A.knew B.have known

  C.must know D.will know

  解析 现在完成时主要强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,或过去发生的动作还未结束,一直持续到现在或将来,重点在于对现在的影响。

  答案 B

  5.The famous writer________one new book in the past two year.

  A.is writing B.was writing

  C.wrote D.has written

  解析 现在完成时常与recently(近来),so far(到目前为止),in the past/“last + 一段时间”等时间状语连用。因为上述短语表示的是从现在起往前推算的一段时间,句中的动作是从过去某一时间或时刻开始持续到现在的。故应选D。

  答案 D

  6. —Has Tom finished his job yet?

  —I have no idea of it; he________it this morning.

  A.did B.was doing

  C.has been doing D.had been doing

  解析 注意“I have no idea of it”这句话的暗示,说明只知道过去的情况,而did还是说明过去做完了,所以用was doing表示“今天早晨还在做”,并不知道现在是否完成。

  答案 B

  7.—Why do you want to work for our company?

  —This is the job that I________for.

  A.looked B.am to look

  C.had looked D.have been looking

  解析 答句句意:这就是我一直寻找的工作。现在完成进行时表示从过去某个时刻发生的动作一直持续到现在,并且有可能持续下去。

  答案 D

  8.I hope her health________greatly by the time we come back next year.

  A.improves B.improved

  C.will be improved D.will have improved

  解析 by the time 引出的是时间状语从句,从句中用的come用一般现在时,表示将来概念,相当于一个表示将来的时间状语,主句谓语动词表示在将来某一时刻以前必定完成的行为,应该用将来完成时,排除A。句子中带有表示将来时间的状语分句,故应该用与将来时相关的时态,排除C。improve 在该句中作“好转”,“变得更好”解,为不及物动词,所以用被动语态时错误的。

  答案 D

  9.—I'm sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.

  —I think so. He________for it for months.

  A.is preparing

  B.was preparing

  C.had been preparing

  D.has been preparing

  解析 由时间状语for months可知应选D。

  答案 D

  10.By the time he realizes he________into a trap, it'll be too late for him to do anything about it.

  A.walks B.walked

  C.has walked D.had walked

  解析 句意:等他意识到走入陷阱时,已经来不及采取措施了。强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,故用现在完成时,选C。

  答案 C

  11.I have to see the doctor because I________a lot lately.

  A.have been coughing B.had coughed

  C.coughed D.cough

  解析  考查动词时态。由时间状语lately可知此处表示现阶段一直在进行的动作或存在的状态,且强调其持续性,用现在完成进行时。

  答案 A

  12.—Are you going to further your studies after graduation?

  —Well, I________yet. I might make some other choices.

  A.didn't decide B.haven't decided

  C.don't decide D.hadn't decided

  解析 句意:我还没有定下来。我或许会作出一些别的选择。后面一句话是关键。

  答案 B

  13.By the end of this year,I________enough money for a holiday.

  A.will save B.will be saving

  C.will have saved D.have saved

  解析 by the end of this year是明确表示将来的时间状语,主句表示在这个将来时间以前完成的动作,故应用将来完成时。

  答案 C

  14.You really need to go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. You________overworked during the last two weeks.

  A.have been B.were

  C.had been D.would he

  解析 时间状语“during the last two weeks”(在过去两周里)要求使用现在完成时。

  答案 A

  15.—I have got a headache.

  —No wonder. You________in front of that computer too long.

  A.work B.are working

  C.have been working D.worked

  解析 从语境分析,“现在还在头疼”。“这不奇怪,因为一直在电脑前工作太久了。”所以使用现在完成进行时。

  答案 CⅣ.写作



  There is no such thing as a free lunch.Success doesn't come to anyone who sits back and does nothing at all.As they say,“As you sow,so will you reap.”














  Everyone has a desire for success while success only belongs to the hard?working people.As the old saying goes,“no pains,no gains.”

  I failed in the last exam.So discouraged was I that I didn't want to do anything.I didn't do exercises and even didn't attend to what the teacher said in the classes.Later on,I found things got even worse.Only then did I realize I was wrong and that success will not wait for me.So I made the best of every minute to catch up with my classmates.Now I'm progressing in my studies.I feel confident that my effort will pay off eventually.

  My story makes me believe failure is temporary for a diligent person but permanent for the lazy.One's efforts will surely be rewarded with success,no matter how big or small the success is.


  假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本年度的主题为“The English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿。







  Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,

  Welcome to this year's English speech competition._______________________









  Welcome_to_this_year's_English_speech_competition.The topic is“The English Novel I Like Best”.This activity is aimed at improving the students' abilities of listening and speaking,and helping the students develop the habit of reading good books to benefit their imagination and creativity.

  Every competitor should pay attention to the following requirements.First,each speech is limited within 5 minutes.Second,every competitor should speak fluent English with correct pronunciation.Third,while giving the English speech,one is not allowed to refer to the notes or read the speech.Therefore,all the competitors must be fully prepared to give the best performance.Finally,I wish this year's English speech competition a great success.
