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来源:考试网  [ 2017年8月18日 ]  【

  21.by no means will jane agree to move to a new place far away from her workplace,because it ins't convenient for her family and herself决不会同意搬到远离她的工作场所,因为它不方便她的家人和她自己

  22. you can,when the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not doday. 你可以,当天空是明确的,远看山顶的古庙,但不是今天

  23. with everything she needed bought, she went out of the shop, with her hands full of shopping bags. 她所需要的一切都买了,她走出了商店,手上满是购物袋.

  24. having taken our seats, we were attracted by the lecturer immediately. 我们坐在座位上,立即被演讲者吸引住了

  25. in recent yesrs many football clubs have been run as business to make a profit. 近几年许多足球俱乐部已经运行业务获利

  26. the engineer is not happy with the project, and neither is her boss. 工程师对这个项目不满意,也不是她的老板

  27. he was ill for a long time,but he tried his best to catch up with his classmates. 他病了很长一段时间,但他尽力赶上他的同学们

  28. how close parents are to their children has a strong influence on the development of the children's character. 父母对孩子的影响是多么的亲密,对孩子性格的发展有着很强的影响

  29. he changed his name, thinking that nobody would find out what he had done before. 他改变了自己的名字,认为没有人会发现他以前做过什么

  30. there is so much work to be done today would you be kind enough to lend me a hand? 今天有这么多工作要做,你能借给我一只手吗

  31. i walked out of the cinema, determined to return to see the wonderful film the next sunday. 我走出电影院,下定决心要回看下星期日的精彩电影

  32. we were very disappointed at the response to our advertisement, and our products didn't sell well. 我们对广告的反应感到非常失望,我们的产品销路不好

  33. my suggestion yesterday was that a meeting be held to discuss the matter. 我的建议是昨天举行一个会议讨论这件事

  34. before the guests come, i must get the glasses washed. 客人来之前,我必须把杯子洗干净

  35. who would you rather have repair the computer, mr. lin or mr. chen? 林先生和陈先生,你愿意修电脑吗

  36. unless you're early you can't be sure of getting a seat. 除非你很早,否则找不到座位

  37. john likes chinese food, but he isn't used to eating with chopsticks. 他喜欢中国菜,但他不习惯用筷子吃饭

  38. his wife had the front door painted green yesterday,didn't she? 他妻子昨天把前门漆成了绿色,不是吗

  39. after the war, a new school building was put up where there had once been a theatre. 战争结束后,一个新的学校建筑被放在了那里,那里曾经是一个剧院

  40. it shames me to say it, but i told a lie when questioned at the meeting by my boss. 我羞于启齿,但我说了谎,当在会议上被老板质疑

  41. the woman asked the policeman where the post office was. 那女人问邮局在哪里

  42. if you do things in a hurry,usually you can't do them well. 如果你匆忙做事,通常你做不好

  43. i have been away from my hometown for a long time. i really miss it! 我离开家乡很长时间了。我真的很想念它

  44. -don't take pictures here, please. 请不要在这里拍照

  -sorry, i won't对不起,我不会

  45. it's very hot here. why not take off your coat? 这里很热。为什么不脱下外套

  46. you might have avoided the accident if you had had your headlights on. 如果你有你的车灯,你可能会避免这意外

  47. the streets were deserted except for the policeman on duty. 除了值班警察外,街上都空荡荡的

  48. it was said that he committed murder. 据说他犯了谋杀罪

  49. if the sun were to rise in the west, i would follow you. 如果太阳在西方升起,我会追随你

  50. he let me use his computer and in return i treated his to dinner. 他让我用他的电脑,并在返回我处理他的晚餐

  51. i wish i had started to study english years ago. 我希望我已经开始学习英语年前

  52. i doubt that he will come. 我怀疑他会来的

  53. the children were surprised when the teacher had them close their books unexpectedly. 当老师让他们把书关上时,孩子们都很惊讶

  54. it is no use buying books and not reading them. 买书是没有用的

  55. this is the place which the foreign guests are going to visit. 这是外国客人要去参观的地方

  56. edison failed thousands of times before he succeeded in producing the first electric lamp. 爱迪生在他成功地生产第一盏电灯时失败了数千次

  57. water makes the digestive juice flow more freely and helps to digest the food. 水使消化液更自由,有助消化食物

  58. the panic attacks may last for only a few minutes; some, however,continue for several hours. 惊恐发作可能持续几分钟,但是,有些人会持续数小时

  59. let us see how dictionaries are made and how the editors arrive at definitions. 让我们看看字典是如何做的,以及编辑是如何定义的

  60 the nurse took a sample of my blood to test. 护士拿着我的血液样本测试

  most parents, i supose, have had the experience of reading a bedtime story to their children. any they must have realized how difficult it is to write a good children's book. either the author has aimed too high , so that the children can't follow what is in his (or more often, her ), or the story seems to be talking to the readers. 大多数的父母,我想,已经给他们的孩子读睡前故事的经验。他们一定已经意识到写一本好的儿童书是多么困难了。要么作者的目的太高,这样的孩子不能遵循什么是在他(或更经常,她),或故事似乎是与读者交谈。the best children's books are both very difficult nor very simple, and satisfy both the child who hears the story and the adult who reads it. unfortunately, there in fact few books like this,so, the problem of finding the right bedtime story is not easy to solve. this may be why many of the books regarded as works of children's literature were in fact written for grown-ups. 最好的孩子们的书既很难也很简单,既满足了孩子们听故事的同时又满足了成年人的阅读要求。不幸的是,事实上很少有这样的书,所以,找到合适的睡前故事的问题是不容易解决的。这可能是为什么许多的书被认为是儿童文学作品,实际上是为成年人写的."alice's adventure in wonderland" is perhaps the most obvious of this. children, left for themselves, often show the worst possible interest in literature. just leave a child in a book shop or library and he will more willingly choose the books written in an imaginative way, or have a look at most children's comics, full of the stories and jokes which are the objections of teachers and right-thinking parents. “爱丽丝梦游仙境”也许是最明显的。孩子,留给自己,往往表现出最坏的可能的兴趣在文学。只留下孩子在书店或图书馆,他会更愿意选择一个富有想象力的方式写的书,或有看看大多数儿童漫画,充满了故事和笑话,老师和正确思维的父母的反对. perhaps we parents should stop trying to brainwash children into accepting our taste in literature. after all children and adults are so different that we parents should not expect that they will enjoy the same books. so i suppose we'll just have to compromise over the bedtime story. 也许我们的父母应该停止试图说服孩子接受我们的品味文学。毕竟孩子和大人都是那么的不同,我们父母不应该期望他们会喜欢同一本书。所以我想我们得在睡前故事中妥协

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