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来源:考试网  [ 2017年2月24日 ]  【

  Thomas: ______

  Ronald: I'm going to do a bit of research work. What about you?

  A. What is your plan for this weekend?

  B. How are you getting on with your research work?

  C. Will you make a plan for this weekend?

  D. Will you have a good time this weekend?



  Speaker A: How are you?

  Speaker B: ______

  Speaker A: I'm fine too.

  A. I'm going to attend a concert.

  B.I'd like a cup of tea.

  C. Yes, I can.

  D. Fine. Thank you. And you?


  【精析】"How are you?"是问候别人时所说的话,接下来的回答应该是“好”或者是“不好”,因此其他三个选项:A(我准备参加一个音乐会)、B(我想要一杯茶)、C(是的,我可以)都不符合题意。

  Shop assistant: What can I do for you?

  Customer: I'd like to buy a shirt.

  Shop assistant: ______

  Customer: I want Size 38.

  A. What color do you want?

  B. This one matches you very much.

  C. What size do you want?

  D. The price will go down.



  Speaker A: May I speak to Mr. Anderson, please?

  Speaker B: Sorry, he is not in at the moment. ______

  Speaker A: Thanks. Please tell him to meet Mr. Roger at the railway station at 3 this afternoon.

  A. Hold on, please.

  B. May I take a message?

  C. Would you please call him later?

  D. I'm busy now.


  【精析】接电话的人说:Sorry, he is not in at the moment.(对不起,他现在不在这儿。)接下来他要么说:Would you please call later?(您能不能过会儿再打过来?),要么说:May I take a message?(我可以帮你捎个信儿吗?)根据下面的回答:Thanks. Please tell him to meet Mr. Roger at the railway station at 3 this afternoon.(谢谢,请告诉他下午三点去火车站接罗杰先生。)可以确定答案是B。

  Doctor: What's wrong with you, madam?

  Patient: ______

  Doctor: How long have you been like this?

  Patient: About two days.

  A. It doesn't matter.

  B. I will come back soon.

  C. I don't feel like eating.

  D. I'm fine.



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