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来源:考试网  [ 2014年12月29日 ]  【

  Part I Dialogue Communication ( 15 % )

  1、 Lodger: I' m terribly sorry that I broke your precious vase. I' ll pay for it.

  Landlady: _________

  A.Can' t complain.

  B.Never mind.

  C.Relax yourself.

  D.Take care.

  2、 W: I was thinking of staying in tonight to surf the Internet, do you want to join me?


  A.Staying in tonight to surf the Internet? It' s a good idea. Enjoy yourself.

  B.Join you with the Internet? What about the Internet?

  C.What I want to do is nothing else but take a walk.

  D.Not really. I work on the computer all day long. I need a break from computer' s screen.

  3、Mary: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Sunday?

  Tom: What kind of party ?

  Mary: It' s a birthday party.

  A.Sounds good

  B.Looks nice

  C.Seems all right

  D.Feels excellent

  4、 Speaker A: May I speak to Dr. Wang, please?

  Speaker B : ________

  A.Hold on a second, .please. I' 11 put him on.

  B.Sorry, Mr. Wang is not available right now.

  C.I am not sure because I don' t know what he is doing.

  D.Thank you very much for calling.

  5、Endy : Hi, Tom. How is everything?


  A.I don' t care at all.

  B.No good, thanks.

  C.Not bad. How are you?

  D.Thank you for asking.

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