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来源:考试网  [ 2018年6月25日 ]  【

  16. I know a number of occasions____ people died from water pollution.

  A. how

  B. as

  C. when

  D. where

  17. Dirty water must not be _____ with drinking water.

  A. joined

  B. linked

  C. mixed

  D. bined

  18. The main road through the city was blocked for three hours today after an accident____ two buses.

  A. containing

  B. connecting

  C. including

  D. involving

  19. Will you go to the meeting ____ visiting the museum please?

  A. or

  B. and

  C. to

  D. instead of

  20. Smith is to study medicine as soon as he ____ military service.

  A. will finish

  B. has finished

  C. finish

  D. would finish

  21. If a metal bar is heated,the greater the heat ____,the larger the expansion.

  A. applied

  B. being applied

  C. applying

  D. is applied

  22. They did not discover until later____ the car had been destroyed.

  A. as

  B. than

  C. which

  D. that

  23. He has already made up his mind. It's no use ____ him.

  A. try to persuade

  B. trying to persuade

  C. to try to persuade

  D. to try persuading

  24. It is much easier to talk about social change than____.

  A. to bring it about

  B. to bring it on

  C. to bring it up

  D. to bring it out

  25. ____ seems easy in theory seems difficult in practice.

  A. That

  B. With

  C. What

  D. It

  26. The house is dark;the Browns_____ to bed.

  A. may go

  B. should go

  C. should have gone

  D. must have gone

  27. This is a mistake which is typical ____ beginners.

  A. for B. of

  C. to D. with

  28. There may be,somewhere outside the solar system,intelligent life ____ messages to us.

  A. sends

  B. sent

  C. sending

  D. has sent

  29. Please be sure to telephone me the next time you____.

  A. will

  B. would

  C. shall

  D. \

  30. All the machines____ by the end of the following week.

  A. were repaired

  B. will be repaired

  C. have been repaired

  D. will have been repaired


  1—5 ABCAB 6—10 CABDB

  11—15 AACDC 16—20 CCDDB

  21—25 ADBAC 26—30 DBCDD

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