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来源:考试网  [ 2020年3月19日 ]  【

  1. _______ born in China, the boy was brought up in the USA.

  A. Although B. Since

  C. As D. When

  【翻译】 虽然这个男孩是在北京出生的,但却是在美国长大的。

  [考点] 状语从句

  【精析】 A 分析句意可知,本句应为although引导的让步状语从句,表示“虽然,即使”的意思。因为主从句主语和谓语一致,所以从句中although后省略了“the boy was”。although与but不能同时出现。since和as均引导原因状语从句,as也可引导让步状语从句,但是需用倒装形式;when引导时间状语从句。

  2. _______ is known to all, haste makes waste.

  A. What B. That

  C. As D. Which

  【翻译】 众所周知,欲速则不达。

  [考点] 词语搭配

  【精析】 C 常用搭配“As is known to all”意思“众所周知”,是as引导的非限制性定语从句,as指代逗号后面的整个主句,并在从句中充当主语。如:As is known to all, war is serious.众所周知,战争是残酷的。

  3. That is the very old woman _______ house was burned down last night.

  A. which B. her

  C. of whom D. whose

  【翻译】 这正是那位老妇人,她的房子昨晚被烧掉了。

  [考点] 定语从句

  【精析】 D whose为关系代词,指人,是先行词old woman的所有格,在从句中充当house的定语。

  4. Hardly had he finished his speech _______ the audience started cheering.

  A. than B. then

  C. when D. as soon as

  【翻译】 他刚一演讲完,观众就开始欢呼。

  [考点] 词语搭配

  【精析】 C 固定搭配“Hardly...when...”表示“一……就……”,另有“no sooner...than”和“Scarcely...when”均表示相同的意思。

  5. _______ the book, he found out some answers to this question.

  A. As he reading

  B. At his reading

  C. As reading

  D. On reading

  【翻译】 刚读这本书,他就发现了这个问题的答案。

  [考点] 词语搭配

  【精析】 D on doing意为“一……就……”。此处的on相当于as soon as,引导状语从句。表示从句中的动作的时间比主句中动作的时间稍提前一点。

  6. The spacecraft will send back _______ on surface winds and temperatures.

  A. many new information

  B. some new information

  C. a new information

  D. a few new information

  【翻译】 太空飞船将会发送一些新的关于表面风和温度的信息。

  [考点] 词语搭配

  【精析】 B information为不可数名词,所以不能用many、a和a few修饰,排除A、C、D项。some既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词,故选B项。

  7. The reason for my refusal is _______ you’re unreliable.

  A. because B. that

  C. due to D. for

  【翻译】 我拒绝你的原因是你不可靠。

  [考点] 名词性从句(表语从句)

  【精析】 B 在复合句中做表语的从句叫做表语从句,它位于主句中的连系动词之后。可用从属连词that,whether,as if引导。所以本题应选B,其余选项不引导表语从句。

  8. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship _______ for making money.

  A. other than

  B. instead

  C. apart from

  D. rather than

  【翻译】 他千里迢迢来到中国是为了增进友谊而不是为了赚钱。

  [考点] 词义辨析

  【精析】 D other than:除了;instead:作为替代,反而;apart from:除……以外;rather than:而不是。

  9. If you don’t mind, I _______ do my homework than play cards with you.

  A. had better

  B. would rather

  C. prefer

  D. would like

  【翻译】 如果你不介意,我宁愿做我的作业也不愿跟你玩牌。

  [考点] 词语搭配

  【精析】 B “would rather...than...”意为“宁可(愿)……而不要(愿)……”用以表达主观的意愿,强调经过选择后做一件事,而不愿做另一件事。had better表示“最好”,后跟动词原形;prefer sth. to sth.表示“喜欢……而不喜欢……”would like to do sth.表示“宁愿、愿意做某事”。

  10. No one, except his two best friends, _______ where he is.

  A. know

  B. to know

  C. knows

  D. knowing

  【翻译】 除了他的两个好朋友,没有人知道他在哪儿。

  [考点] 主谓一致

  【精析】 C 当主语部分为“主语+后置定语”时,谓语动词只看主语,不看后置定语部分。引起这种后置定语的单词有:with, along with, together with, as well as, except, besides等。由于本句主语为不定代词no one,所以谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,与主语保持一致。

  11. _______, you would have seen your favorite movie star.

  A. If you arrived earlier

  B. If you had arrived earlier

  C. Unless you arrived earlier

  D. Unless you had arrived earlier

  【翻译】 如果你早点到的话,你就会看到你最喜爱的电影明星了。

  [考点] 虚拟语气

  【精析】 B 本句是If引导的条件状语从句表示对过去情况的假设。其形式为从句:if+主语+had+过去分词+其他,主句:主语+should/would/could/might+have+过去分词,根据题中主句的结构可知选B。


▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔在线测试模拟试卷 ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
强化巩固习题卷 考前冲刺提分卷 历年真题解析卷

  12. The driver’s carelessness _______the death of three passengers.

  A. resulted from

  B. resulted in

  C. came across

  D. came about

  【翻译】 司机的粗心驾驶致使三名乘客死亡。

  [考点] 词组辨析

  【精析】 B result from:因为,由于;result in:导致,致使;come across:(偶然)遇见,被理解;come about:发生。根据句意选B。

  13. In England,tea_______with milk and sugar.

  A. is serving

  B. is served

  C. serves

  D. served

  【翻译】 在英国,茶是要配着牛奶和糖一起上的。

  [考点] 动词的语态

  【精析】 B serve sth.with sth.意为“某物搭配某物一起提供”。本句中tea(茶)是被提供的,因此用被动语态。

  14. Written in great haste,_______.

  A. the secretary made a lot of mistakes in the report

  B. there were a lot of mistakes in the report

  C. we found a lot of mistakes in the report

  D. the report was full of mistakes

  【翻译】 由于写得比较匆忙,所以整个报告错误百出。

  [考点] 独立主格结构

  【精析】 D Written in great haste 在本句中作独立主格,其逻辑主语应与主句的主语保持一致。因为用的是被动语态。Written,很明显其主语应该是report,故主句主语也应该是report,用排除法可知答案为D。

  15. It’s suggested that each one of us_______the training classes for English.

  A. takes part in

  B. take part in

  C. took part in

  D. would take part in

  【翻译】 我们每个人被建议参加英语培训班。

  [考点] 虚拟语气

  【精析】 B 在 It’s suggested/advised/demanded...表建议、要求、命令等意义的词引导的主语从句中,谓语需用should+动词原形,should可以省略,故选B。

  16. The only thing _______interests me is the progress of my students.

  A. what

  B. tha

  C. which

  D. it

  【翻译】 我唯一感兴趣的事情是我的学生取得进步。

  [考点] 定语从句

  【精析】 B 定语从句中的先行词有only、形容词最高级等词修饰时,引导词要用that,故选B。

  17. People do not realize the importance of good health _______ they have lost it.

  A. until

  B. when

  C. since

  D. as

  【翻译】 直到失去了健康人们才能意识到它的重要性。

  [考点] 固定用法

  【精析】 A not...until意为“直到……才”,因为句中有not,只能选until。

  18. If there were no homework at weekends,students would have _______at home.

  A. the happiest time

  B. much happiest time

  C. a more happier time

  D. a much happier time

  【翻译】 如果周末没有了家庭作业,学生们在家就会过得更愉快了。

  [考点] 形容词比较级

  【精析】 D have a happy time“玩得愉快”,其比较级形式应为“have a much happier time”。

  19. The reason he won the election is _______he is honest and confident of himself.

  A. why

  B. what

  C. that

  D. which

  【翻译】 他在竞选中获胜的原因是他很诚实,并且自信。

  [考点] 名词性从句(表语从句)

  【精析】 C 本句是that 引导的从句作表语,用来对先行词the reason作进一步的解释和说明。

  20. Mr.and Mrs.Brown _______ a small restaurant in China Town in New York.

  A. serve

  B. start

  C. open

  D. run

  【翻译】 布朗夫妇在纽约的唐人街经营着一家餐厅。

  [考点] 动词辨析

  【精析】 D 表“经营餐馆、公司等”,动词要用run,故选D。

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