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来源:考试网  [ 2015年3月9日 ]  【
 1. Few people would agree with this, ______?

  A. did they                                       B. would they

  C. didn’t they                                   D. wouldn’t they

  2. Nobody need be afraid of catching the disease, ______?

  A. do they                                        B. need they

  C. don’t they                                    D. needn’t they

  3. The police must have known all about this, ______?

  A. must it                                        B. must they

  C. have they                                     D. has it

  4. I think it’s high time that she made up her mind, ______?

  A. don’t I                                        B. isn’t it

  C. didn’t she                                    D. hasn’t it

  5. If you want help, let me know, ______?

  A. can I                                           B. do you

  C. will I                                           D. will you

  6. It’s cheap. I don’t suppose he cares, ______?

  A. is it                                             B. do I

  C. does he                                       D. does it

  7. “He’s selfish. I don’t like him, ____?” “No, I don’t at all.”

  A. do I                                            B. do you

  C. don’t I                                        D. does she

  8. “I think the teacher is wrong, _____?” “No, I don’t think so.”

  A. don’t you                                    B. don’t I

  C. doesn’t he                                   D. doesn’t she

  9. I dare not go out after dark. Let us go together, ______?

  A. will you                                       B. shall we

  C. can you                                       D. can we

  10. There are times when such things are necessary, ______?

  A. are there                                      B. aren’t there

  C. are they                                       D. aren’t they


  1—5 BBCBD  6—10 CBABB

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