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考试网   2014-04-24   【


  [l] Nowadays it's very common for parents to hire private tutors for their children. [2] Some people believe that private tutoring is helpful for a child to make rapid progress in his study, while others hold opposite views.

  [3] As far as I am concerned, private tutoring is not advisable for most people. [4] First, private tutoring is not necessary. [5] If a student listen carefully to his teachers in classes, finish his homework on time, and study hard, he can perform well in his study without any private tutoring. [6] Second, private tutoring may put a child under great stress. [7] Once, a child told me that he hated private tutoring because it takes so much of his time that he can not play with his friends very often. In return he just won't listen to his private tutor.

  [8] In one word, private tutoring is not a heal-all, so I think parents should think twice before they rush to hire a private tutor for their kids.





  第二种思路是把写作重点放在“我”的看法上。就如范文那样,先简要介绍存在的不同看法,然后着重论述自己的观点。当然,自己的观点可以是支持,也可以是反对,但总的说来,要言之成理,要有逻辑性,沿言要衔接、连贯、自然。 Analysis

  [1] 对应outline的第1条,简要说明现象

  [2] 对应outline的第2条,说明存在两种不同的看法。

  [3] 对应outline的第3条,提出自己的看法。文章剩余部分就用来论证自己的看法。

  [4] [6] 是[3] 的支持句。用first, second关联。

  [5] [7] 分别对两个分论点予以展开;

  [8] 用in one word总结自己的观点


  文章讲述了国际空间站上宇航员所面临的困难,尤其是食物短缺的问题。文 章指出造成这些问题的原因是之前的宇航员吃得太多。

