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考试网   2011-06-14   【

    59. The author thinks that it is time for the general audience to__________ .
    A) tell filmmakers where the boundaries of their taste lie
    B) point out to Hollywood how bad their films are
    C) accuse the filmmakers of desensitizing their children
    D) ask filmmakers to make films that reflect traditional family life
    60. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Aaron Sorkin?
    A) He is strongly against using crude language in films.
    B) He starts the struggles between network censors and producer.
    C) He insists no restraint be set to the language used in films.
    D) He believes that it is time to clean up the entertainment industry.
    61. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is_________ .
    A) to acknowledge the current practice of the entertainment industry
    B) to show his admiration for the current practice of the entertainment industry
    C) to accuse the entertainment industry of their current practice
    D) to show tolerance of the current practice of the entertainment industry