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考试网   2015-04-03   【

  4. 针对有关话题持正、反论点的议论文范文对照

  Should Women be Regarded as Inferior to Men?


  I never think that women should be treated as the second -class citizens. Observing objectively, you’ll find that women have succeeded in virtually any existing occupation you care to name: politicians, soldiers, doctors, university professors, lawyers, business executives, scientists and even presidents of countries. Today’s intense competition in jobs is not only between men, but also between men and the ’weaker sex’, who have often put men to shame in almost every field. Yet men refuse to acknowledge them and give women their due, and their attitude towards women becomes even more hostile. The only sound explanation for this is that men shun (回避,躲避) real competition- they are afraid of being beaten at the games that they consider to be their own.

  If there is anything that men are better than women, it is their physical strength. No other things that men claim to excel in are borne out by statistics. Physical strength excluded, the fact is that men and women are basically equal in all kinds of abilities except when it comes to language art and negotiation skills, at which women are better. You can be sure that if negotiation tasks were left to women who are gentler, more graceful and levelheaded, they would succeed brilliantly, where men have failed for centuries, and therefore war has been a frequent scene on this planet. Believe it or not, it is women who could turn those filthy and bloody battlefields into lands of joy. So some things are too important to be left to men! (252 words)


  It sounds pretty ridiculous to claim that men and women are equal and have the same abilities. Men have excelled in every field of work. Plato, Freud, Beethoven, Einstein, Pavarotti and Li Ning are the names of great men in different fields, to name just a few. Can you effortlessly think up a woman’s name that can match those brilliant names? You may argue that you can name a dozen of great women athletes. Well, yes. However, they look great simply because they have never run or played against men. See what happens if you group men and women together in the same race.

  Women are justifiably called the weaker sex not only because they are physically weak, they are mentally fragile as well. They depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. Sometimes they are not even capable of thinking clearly. That is why they often gossip and chatter and scream whenever they talk, which men seldom do, and that is also why there are embarrassingly few women politicians in any country you can think of. Big decisions are always left for men to make, for they are more reliable, rational, and levelheaded.

  Many women complain that they look inferior because they have never been offered equal opportunities in jobs. This may have been true in the long past, but not now. The fact is that jobs are open to both sexes, but it is almost impossible for women to be wives, mothers and successful career women all at once. Actually most women are glad to let men support their families. They know that bearing and rearing children are more important. And that is why men outnumber women in practically every kind of job. They are not excluded; they exclude themselves. (299 words)

  Should World Governments Conduct Serious Campaigns Against Smoking?


  Cigarette smoking has been jeopardizing human health for centuries ever since an English nobleman brought tobacco from the New World back to England and people everywhere in the world have been puffing their way to smoky and cancerous death.

  Medical findings have long proved that there is a close link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer because of the many harmful ingredients in the tobacco. Yet the governments of most countries pretend to be blind to the lethal effect of tobacco: the answer lies with money. Cigarette smokers are big tax payers. Levying a tax on your cigarettes is just like levying a tax on your daily bread.

  This is absolutely the most shortsighted policy you could ever imagine. While a surprisingly large amount of tax money is accumulated on the one hand, it is paid out in increasingly larger amount on the other. Each year, millions of dollars of special funds are allocated to those medical research establishments on cancer research and on pharmaceutical products to cure people suffering from the disease. Everybody would have less chance of being struck down by heart disease and cancer if smoking were banned altogether by governments at all levels.

  For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette advertising (Cigarette advertising is as insidious as it is dishonest. The advertisements always depict virile, clean-shaven young men. In such advertisements, smoking is always associated with the great open-air life, handsome cowboys, and with beautiful girls. We are never shown pictures of real smokers coughing up their lungs early in the morning) and should then launch fierce anti-smoking campaigns. An effective warning-say, a picture of an ugly skull-can be printed on every packet of cigarettes that is to be sold, to scare smokers out of sucking those cancer sticks.

  tatistics reveal that the number of adolescent smokers in many countries is on the increase. It is therefore necessary that greater effort should be made to inform young people of the horrible consequences of taking up the habit. (240 words)


  When people suggest that governments should do something to ban cigarette smoking altogether, I do not think they are being serious. It is absurd to suggest we ban it after several hundred years, especially when you think of the possible consequences brought about by such banning. Banning cigarette smoking would endanger the survival of many related businesses and industries: tobacco growers, cigarette-making factories, retail businesses. Tax apart, tobacco industry is an important source of income even to developed countries.

  After all, smoking is not so bad as it seems when you look at the benefits it brings.

  First, it is manly to smoke. The unique charm a cigarette smoker holds could not be achieved otherwise. Second, smoking makes social contact easier, particularly when one meets a stranger. Third, a cigarette works like a dream when you take one after long hours of reading or writing, or after a tiring job-the soothing effect it creates is simply beyond description. Those who are against smoking often ignore the fact that smoking can relieve stresses of a long working day.

  I do not mean that smoking does no harm to people’s health. However, in a society that advocates freedom, individuality and democracy each individual should be entitled to decide whether he quits smoking or not; banning goes against democracy.

  If people decide on retaining the habit, the tobacco industry is not to blame. After all, it has donated vast sums to medical research on smoking related ailments. As a result of the painstaking research, new techniques have been adopted in the cigarette manufacturing process, which makes smoking much safer. (267 words)

  Is the Space Race a Huge Waste of Money?


  The early 1960s mark the beginning of the space race. From that time on the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, Japan and India have each expended billions of dollars in their space projects. Hundreds of space vehicles have blasted into space: first satellites, then spaceships and now space shuttles. What are the returns of these billion-dollar investments? Well, just some rocks of the same composition collected from the moon, if they could be called returns. Displayed in museums, these rocks are hardly of any value compared with a rich variety of their counterparts on the earth.

  Why then, are these countries so interested in the space race? Some countries claim that they do this for pure scientific research of the universe and the well being of their people. But what has the space race done to alleviate the agonies of millions of people who are suffering from poverty, starvation, disease and war? In what way has it improved our living conditions? The real interest of these powerful nations lies in the manifestation of both their technological and military powers. For centuries man has been playing many different power games-allies, wars, sanctions, cold war, and the race of nuclear armament, and the space race is just an extension of the race for power on earth. In the mid 1980s, for instance, former U.S. president Ronald Ragan came up with a brand new military project, the SDI (strategic defense initiative), which suggests striking the enemies’ targets with missiles and laser weapons up from space.

  Of course, no such world powers want to admit their aggressive ambitions. They would argue that their space programs basically aim at finding a better planet live on. But their argument does not seem to hold water when it comes to the point that however hard they try, it is unlikely that they will ever be able to travel even to the nearest star.

  Let us make our nation’s budget like we do for a family: a family would often consider buying daily necessities before trying to obtain luxuries (If a man buys a piano at the cost of selling his house, we would think that he is a nut). Why can’t great nations act in the same sensible way?

  Our world would be a lot better today if the world powers devoted half as much money and effort squandered in space programs to the most needed places. The space race is a huge waste of money. (409 words)


  As the most curious being in the world, man is always keen on exploration. With the earth having been fully explored, the next logical target for man is definitely the space.

  Several countries now are engaged in the space exploration, which is fun, and which fires our imagination. Of course, they are not doing it just for fun, but also for seeking answers to the following provocative questions: How was a planet formed? What is the essence of life? Are there any extraterrestrial beings as intelligent as or even more intelligent than humankind elsewhere in the universe? If this is the case, can we set up communication with them? Can man find a better planet to live on? If so, is mass-emigration from the overpopulated earth to such a planet possible? For only scores of years as space projects have been proceeding, we have already achieved quite a few encouraging results, and have benefited a lot from such programs-crystals, drugs or chemicals produced under zero gravity, satellite communications, manned space vehicles and stations, to name just a few.

  Yet, some less curious and less ambitious people perceive such endeavour in a less positive way. They call space exploration as ’space race’, deeming it to be an extension of the race for power on earth and a pure waste of money. I don’t want to comment on such a short-sighted argument, but at least no one should impose restrictions on man’s desire for knowledge. If space research helps us gain better understanding of the working mechanism of the universe, of our earth and of our origins, there is no sound reason why anyone should go against it. (277 words)

  Should the Practice of Mercy Killing be Permitted?

  Much as the medical science has advanced today, there still exist some diseases that cannot be cured, the most notorious of which are leukaemia (白血病), cancer and aids. Patients who have long been tortured by one of such diseases both physically and mentally usually become all skin and bones in the end. Knowing that their days are numbered no matter how hard the doctors try and how much more money their families will spend on their treatments, they tend to lose the courage to live on. To them, life no longer brings them anything except more pain and fear. They simply want to die.

  Should the practice of mercy killing be permitted if such a patient is desperate for it? My answer is in the affirmative provided that….

  Provided that there is not the least hope of bringing them back to health, and the patient begs for mercy killing and his or her family members accept it. If the above conditions are met, and if more days in this otherwise beautiful world mean merely more sufferings and nightmares to the dying, I see no reason why mercy killing should not be permitted as one last resort to relieving them from the unbearable trials.
