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来源:考试网   2010-11-10   【

  Sample 2 On Stress 面对压力
  1. 压力是学生和工作的人都面对的事情。
  2. 有人说压力过大,影响到身心健康,使人无法做出最佳表现;也有人说,压力能够使人不断进取,是一个人不断进步的必须条件。
  3. 我的看法。
  With the fast pace of modern life, more and more people are living under great pressure.
  Some people are afraid of pressure. They think that the stresses and strains of work deprive them of joy and happiness. In their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally. That is why they prefer something less competitive and strenuous to something more demanding and challenging.
  Others argue that stress isn't as bad as it often supposed to be. Unless it is overwhelming, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and stimulation. Without stress, you may slack off and idle away your time. It gives purpose and meaning to an otherwise meaningless, dull life. People under stress tend to bring their potential into full play and to realize their goals.
  In my opinion, we shouldn't escape from stress but to face it as it is. What we can do is to adapt to the stress and to profit from it rather than to avoid it.

  Sample 3 On disasters 面对灾难
  1. 人的一生中,可能会遇到一些灾难事件,给我们的生活带来意外的打击。
  2. 面对灾难,我们应该坚强,不要过于沉湎于悲痛,积极面对人生。
  3. 我的看法。
  As we all know, one’s life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. Those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down..
  However, it’s even worse if one can’t drag himself out of the grief in that break-down in the sprit is more serious than the disaster itself. Instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should be positive of life and contribute to the reconstruction of the hometown..
  As to me, if I am not the victim of a disaster, I will try my best to help those who are suffering by donation blood or money. If I am a victim, I will try my best to recover from the sadness as soon as possible and try to be strong and supportive to the recovery work..
  Sample4 On Crisis 论危机
  1.危机的作用  2.举个例子说明 3.总结
  Crisis is to us what illness is to our body. On the one hand, illness can harm our body and sometimes even put an end to our life. In the same manner, crisis can cause damage to our life and career. On the other, just as illness sometimes can harden and strengthen our body (our immune system), so crises, especially those minor crises in life sometimes can be turned into a bless to us.
  A ready example that comes to mind is the earthquake crisis that has recently devastate most of Kyushu, Qinghai Province . Admittedly, it has cost us quite a lot. So many people were seriously injured and still so many even lost their lives. And our economy suffers a temporary setback and a slowdown. However we also have learned a great deal from it. Never has our nation been so united or have our people been more aware of value of lives.
  All in all, if we can bear in mind all the sufferings and ordeals we have experienced, then all our blood, tear, toil and sweat will not go unrewarded.
  7. 投诉信
  September, 11
  Dear President,
  I am a sophomore with the Department of Law. My name is Wang Ming. I am writing to you today to intimate you with something undesirable that I have found in the University Library.
  You may or may not realize how much our library, the landmark of our university or even of our town, weighs in our minds. It is a place we are most proud of and where we like to spend most of our time. In such an honorable place we have noticed recently some phenomena which hurt our eye. Some seats in the reading rooms are ‘permanently reserved vacant seats’, that is, some students “occupy” some seats they never come to use. What a terrible waste of valuable resource! Some other students are too noisy, talking among themselves, leaving mobile phone beeping anytime. And some library staff is ill-mannered and rude and not helpful most of time. These and other undesirable things have already done damage to the fame of our university and caused a lot of inconvenience to the users.
  Dear President, we hope that something can be done to change and reverse the current situation. Let our cozy, comfortable, quiet, effective library come back.
  Best wishes
  Yours sincerely,Wang Ming
  Sample 2 申诉信
  Dear Mr. Smith,
  Your printing quality is excellent, but delivery is not. We expect our printing orders to be on time. Recently, our orders have been delivered to us from two to five days later than the time promised. This practice has got to stop.
  We have been maintaining a mutual rewarding relationship. We receive outstanding service coupled with creativity. For instance, with the widget promotion you helped to develop the color theme for our marketing program and we appreciated that greatly. In return for your quality work, we have given all our business to you. Now that relationship is in jeopardy because of your untimely delivery of printing orders.
  We know you can meet the deadlines. Your action of getting our printing requirements to us on time is greatly appreciated.
  Li Ming
  分析:以上是Gloryfield Furniture Manufacturing Inc. 写给Smith & Steven Printing Company 的申诉信, 信中提到Smith & Steven Printing Company经常延误送货时间而给Gloryfield Furniture Manufacturing Inc.带来损失。最后,Gloryfield Furniture 希望对方以后能够准时交货。
  Sample 3 投诉信
  Dear Customer Service Department,
  Thank you for sending the above mentioned merchandise promptly. However, the merchandise No. 00712433, Model Name: Anta Sport, received on January 23rd, 2005, was found defective.
  The merchandise mentioned above was fading. Based on the merchandise quality report given by your company, the sneaker is fade proof; and it is manufactured under strict quality control. Moreover, the sales agreement has clearly stated that any unsatisfactory transaction can be resolved in the way of exchanging the merchandise or refunding.
  As the merchandises are the most demanded in the market and for the sake of our mutual benefit, your prompt actions are appreciated. I am looking forward to your reply.
  Enclosed are copies of invoice and delivery order for your reference.
  Yours truly,
  Li Ming
