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来源:考试网   2010-09-16   【
 1. According to the passage, the NCC found it outrageous that.
  A)all the products surveyed claim to meet ISO standards
  B)the claims made by products are often unclear or deceiving
  C)consumers would believe many of the manufactures’ claim
  D)few products actually prove to be environment friendly
  2. As indicated in this passage, with so many good claims, the consumers.
  A)are becoming more cautious about the products they are going to buy
  B)are still not willing to pay more for products with green labeling
  C)are becoming more aware of the effects different products have on the environment
  D)still do not know the exact impact of different products on the environment
  3. A study was carried out by Britain’s NCC to.
  A)find out how many claims made by products fail to meet environmental standards
  B)inform the consumers of the environmental impact of the products they buy
  C)examine claims made by products against ISO standards
  D)revise the guidelines set by the International Standards Organization
  4. What is one of the consequences caused by the many claims of household products?
  A)They are likely to lead to serious environmental problems.
  B)Consumers find it difficult to tell the true from the false.
  C)They could arouse widespread anger among consumer.
  D)Consumers will be tempted to buy products they don’t need.
  5. It can be inferred from the passage that the lobby group Consumer International wants to.
  A)make product labeling satisfy ISO requirements
  B)see all household products meet environmental standards
  C)warn consumers of the danger of so?called green products
  D)verify the efforts of non?polluting products
  confuse vt. ①使混乱,混淆 ②把……混淆
  【考点】confuse sth. with sth. 把……与……混淆
  【词根】~=con(together)+fuse(to pour)
  brandn. 商标,品牌vt. ①打烙印于,铭刻 ②加污名于,谴责
  【考点】be branded on one’s memory 被铭记在某人心中
  a well?known brand of car
  a well?known mark of car 名牌汽车
  fund n. ①资金,基金 ②存款,现款vt. 为……提供基金
  【考点】short of fund缺钱
  a fund of sth.丰富的……,相当数量的……
  【关联】形近词:fond adj.喜爱
  commission n. ①委员会 ②委托,委任 ③委托书,委托的事 ④佣金,手续费
  【考点】in/out of commission 可/不可使用
  on commission 按销售提成
  【派生】commissioner n.委员,专员
  package n. ①包,包裹,箱 ②一揽子交易,计划等vt.①把……打包 ②包装,把……装袋
  【关联】相关词:pack v. 包装 n. 一群
  packet n. 小包,小捆
  packing n.包装,填塞
  packed adj. 充满的,挤满的
  parcel 常指邮包,物品较大、较重
  averagen. 平均数,平均水平adj. ①平均的 ②通常的vt. 平分,均分
  【考点】on average 平均 average out (at sth.)平均数为average sth.out(at sth.)算出……的平均数
  the law of averages平均律
  focus vt. 使聚焦,集中于n. 焦点
  【考点】in(out of)focus焦点对准(没对准);
  bring into focus使特别注意(某物)
  setvt. ① 放,安置 ②树立 ③调整vi.下沉,凝结n.①一套,一副 ②机组,装置adj. 固定的,规定的,不变的
  【考点】set about 开始,着手;
  set against ①使敌视 ②使抵消;
  set apart ①使与众不同 ②留出,拨出(专用);
  set aside ①留出,拨出(时间、金钱等) ②把……置于一旁,不理会;
  set back ①推迟,延缓,阻碍 ②使花费;
  set down 写下,记下;
  set forth 阐明,陈述;
  set in 开始(并将延续下去);
  set off ①出发,起程 ②激起,引起;
  set on ①袭击 ②唆使;
  set out ①动身,起程 ②开始 ③摆放 ④阐明,陈述;
  set up ①创立,建立,为……做好准备 ②竖立,架起,建造 ③开业,开始经商
  vagueadj. 不清楚的,模糊的,含糊的,不明确的
  【考点】vague answer 含糊的答复;
  vague outline模糊的轮廓
  misleadvt. ①把……带错路 ②把……带坏,使误入歧途 ③使误解
  【考点】mislead sb. about/into doing sth.误导,引入歧途
  【派生】misleading 误导的,引入歧途的
  separateadj. ①分开的,分离的 ②个别的,单独的v.(使)分开,隔开
  【考点】separate from 从……分开,分离;
  separate…into… 分开为……,分割成……;
  live separately 分居
  term n. ①期限 ②学期 ③(pl.)(提出或同意的)条件,条款 ④(pl.)关系,友谊 ⑤术语,专门用语,行话 ⑥措辞,说法
  【考点】in the long/short/medium term长/短/中期内
  verifyvt. ①查证,核实,核对 ②证明,证实
  【派生】verifiable adj.可核实的
  verification n. 证实
  accordvt. ①使一致 ②给予(欢迎,称颂等) ③一致,符合vi.①符合 ②一致n. 符合,一致