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考试网   2019-07-03   【

  祖冲之,429年生于建康(今南京),他从小就显示出过人的才学。他最伟大的贡献就是把圆周率的数值精确计算到3.141,592,6和3.141,592,7之间。这个数值在当时是世界上最精确的圆周率数值。直到大约一千年后,欧洲数学家才求得同样的结果。由于祖冲之在计算圆周率方面的重大贡献,圆周率又被称为“祖率”。国际科学界还将月球上的一座环形山(lunar crater)命名为“祖冲之山”(Tsu Chung-chi)。国际行星中心还以他的名字命名了一颗小行星(asteroid)。这些都是为了纪念这位伟大的科学巨匠。


  Born in Jiankang (present Nanjing) in 429, Zu Chongzhi (Tsu Chung-chi) displayed unusual talent from his childhood. Based on others’ achievements, he calculated out that the precise value of ∏ shall be between 3.141,592,6 and 3.141,592,7. This was the most precise approximation at that time and not until one thousand years later that a European mathematician came up with the same result. For all his great contribution, ∏ is also called the Zu ratio in honor of Zu Chongzhi. What’s more, the international scientific circle named one lunar crater “Tsu Chung-chi”. And the International Planet Center named one asteroid after his name. All these efforts are done to commemorate this great scientist.
