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来源:考试网   2019-09-09   【

  31. 秦腔 Shaanxi opera

  32. 武术 martial art

  33. 功夫 kung fu

  34. 武术门派 styles or schools of martial art

  35. 习武健身 practice martial art for fitness

  36. 气功 qigong, deep breathing exercises

  37. 拳击 boxing

  38. 太极 Tai Chi

  39. 口技 ventriloquism

  40. 样板戏 model opera

  41. 木偶戏 puppet show

  42. 皮影戏 shadow play

  43. 折子戏 opera highlights

  44. 刺绣 embroidery

  45. 苏绣 Suzhou embroidery

  46. 泥人 clay figure

  47. 针灸 acupuncture

  48. 推拿 medical massage

  49. 切脉 feel the pulse

  50. 中国画 traditional Chinese painting

  51. 水墨画 Chinese ink and wash painting

  52. 清明上河图 Riverside Scene on the Tomb-sweeping Festival

  53. 中国结 Chinese knot

  54. 青铜器 bronze ware

  55. 瓷器 porcelain; china

  56. 唐三彩 tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

  57. 景泰蓝 cloisonne

  58. 武术 martial arts

  59. 儒家思想 Confucianism

  60. 儒家文化 Confucian culture
