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来源:考试网   2011-09-08   【

Section B

26. C  27. C  28. C  29. D  30. C  31. D  32. B  33. B  34. C  35. B

Section C

36. games  37. teams  38. compete  39. exciting  40. cheering 

41. club    42. cheerleaders  43. special

44. They practice for many hours to learn the special jumping and cheering moves

45. From elementary to high school, students start each day by standing up and showing respect to the flag.

46. This is a promise to the country, which was written by people who came to the US over 200 years ago

Part IV  Reading Comprehension

Section A

(47-56)  EHALB  MJDGI

Section B

(57-66)  DABCC  ADCBD

Part V  Cloze

(67-76) BDACD        ACBCB         

(77-86)  DADBC      CBBCA

Part VI  Translation

87. took emergent measures
88. have the right to pursue happiness/be entitled to pursue happiness
89. Once invited by that financial company
90. adapt to the humid weather there
91. be fully prepared/get everything ready

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